2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: High Mountain sengin 2019

High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42293

Man that is a nice looking creek there.. so much rock... and chunky too - would be hard to wade that and fish...

guess you would just have to walk the bank best you could and fish that.

You can tell I have fishing on my mind :-)

Got a pic I want to share with you all today... from my orchard this morning...

This is from my Early Elberta Peach tree. They will be ripe mid June, if ole jack frost don't get them.

Nature is awesomely beautiful in so many ways !!!


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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42294

nice bud tn,iam supposed to get snow sat...my boat motor go's to the shop fri. for a new water impeller ....then iam ready.....

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42295

Nice pic, spring is on the way. TN, That is the middle prong of the little pigeon river. The fishing can be quite good all up and down the river. There is trout and a few red eye bass/smallmouth in there as well. I like to get to those hard to reach areas. You have to be careful on those rocks for sure. I've busted my butt more than a few times, lol. I wade the river too when the water is down enough.

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42296

The Turkeys were really out this morning. I believe they're ready for Spring too.

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42297

Several Gobblers in the bunch.. nice.

Wild Turkey is some good eating too... I love em. Try to get one or two every year and we eat every bite of it. I even keep the turky liver and eat them... and well I eat squirrel livers too.. next deer I get I am going to try some deer liver too.

Liver is the true superfood. Very nutritious.

When it comes to wild caught fish... crappie is sure hard to beat, then for me it is sort of a tie between large mouth bass and black perch... then smallies... and I love Grilled Salmon too but I never caught those myself (except at a restaurant). I eat sardines some and herring too... (for canned fish).

Other than fish... wild turkey, then a good young squirrel, and then a good young deer (back straps butterflied and grilled wrapped in bacon)... yum !


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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42298

I love seeing the turkeys while driving in/out of our hollow. I've counted up to 19 or so and last year saw a nice gobbler strutting for several hens. Have only seen hens so far I think. The other day it appeared a couple of hens were chasing one another around while the others just scratched or did whatever they do. Don't know if it was a pecking order thing or what.

Sometimes they come up into my woods where the two attached pics are from. I sometimes see what I think is where they've been scratching, so far not where I've planted ginseng. :)

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42299

Good to see the peach buds TN. My two trees have buds but not so far along. They are still in pots, I'm determined to get them planted soon.

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42300

I hope someone gets a laugh from this but I had a visit to the ER today.

I finally finished setting posts for my vegetable and future blueberry/raspberry garden and was topping off the post holes with dirt. The two posts that support the gate, well I had to set in plastic bags because the water table is so high in that area (roughly 14-16 inches from the surface). So, this evening I was cutting away the excess plastic with my utility knife. I really don't know how it happened but suddenly my wrist is spurting blood.

I immediately place the palm of my other hand over the cut (direct pressure) and start running for the house. My dogs follow me through the field, across the creek, through the yard and to the house. I go inside and call to my wife. She calls back from upstairs, "I'm on the phone" and I call back, "I need a ride to the ER". The handyman who's working upstairs comes out and asks if he needs to move his truck and what can he do. I ask him to put the pups in their crates.

My wife calls 911 and they say at least 30 minutes for an ambulance (perhaps one negative of living in the country). We say never mind, be quicker to drive there ourselves.

My wife comes downstairs and we make the 30 minute drive to the hospital in 20 or so. Never saw my wife speed before. She's a prim and proper English woman. lol

We get there and the doc pulls off the towel that the 911 operator told my wife to give me, I'm expecting a geyser of blood but nothing. My response is, "I fixed it". Just a deep cut apparently but didn't sever an artery or anything. They placed a compression bandage on it, gave me a tetanus shot and said to return tomorrow.

I have little medical knowledge so I thought I had cut the arm's equivalent to the femoral artery. Running to the house I'm thinking aloud, "geez Jeff, you may have just killed yourself today" and thinking I'm going to need surgery of some sort exposing me to staff infections, the Corona virus, etc.

During the drive to the hospital, I wondered what folks did before there were hospitals and how many people died from such accidents in the past.

Anyway, all seems well, except for my wife's vacuum cover which betrays a cleaning lady. The handyman did not put one of the pups in his crate and he chewed it up some. :)

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High Mountain sengin 2019 4 years 10 months ago #42301

TN, That wild game is definitely healthier for you. Those turkeys multiply like nobody's business. I see them everywhere till I get a shotgun in my hands and then it's a little more tricky. Nothing like calling in a big gobbler. Woodsrunner, that sounds like a scary episode. Glad you made it through ok.

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Last Edit: by wildspirit44.
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