2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: SOLD OUT

• No license is required to harvest or sell ginseng in Arkansas.

• A Ginseng Dealer License is required to buy wild or cultivated ginseng in Arkansas for sale across state lines.

• The harvest season for wild and artificially propagated ginseng in Arkansas is from September 1 to December 1. The state does not allow green ginseng roots to be possessed between April 1 and September 1, and all harvested ginseng must be sold between September 15 and March 31 of the next year.

• Arkansas state law requires that wild ginseng only be harvested when the fruit is red, and only from “well developed plants” with at least 3 prongs.

• Arkansas requires that wild ginseng collectors plant the seeds of harvested plants at the digging site.

• Ginseng may not be harvested on state land in Arkansas, nor in the Ouachita or Ozark National Forests.

• The Arkansas State Plant Board, serves as the state’s ginseng coordinator. This office can be reached at (501) 225-1598 or by addressing correspondence to:

Arkansas State Plant Board

PO Box 1089

Little Rock, AR 72203


Provided by the American Herbal Products Association, in cooperation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and United Plant Savers

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