2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: SOLD OUT

• A ginseng collecting permit is required to be obtained annually by anyone in Maryland who collects or harvests ginseng intended for sale. Permit holders are required to record the amount of ginseng collected in each county and the name and address of the dealer to whom they sold their ginseng, and to maintain these records for 3 years; and to certify their ginseng with the state prior to sale.

• Anyone who buys ginseng in Maryland for resale is required to register with the state as a ginseng dealer.

• The harvest season for wild ginseng in Maryland is from September 1 to December 1.

• Maryland state does not allow the harvest of ginseng plants with less than 3 prongs or with immature seeds (green fruit).

• Maryland requires that all seeds be planted in the vicinity of the collected plant immediately after harvest.

• Ginseng may not be harvested in any Maryland State Park but may be collected on certain state forest lands.

• The Maryland Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection and Weed Management Section, serves as the state’s ginseng coordinator. This office can be reached at (301) 982-3224 or

(410) 841-5920, or by addressing correspondence to:

Robert B. Trumbule

Ginseng Management Program

Maryland Department of Agriculture

50 Harry S. Truman Pkwy.

Annapolis, MD 21401

Provided by the American Herbal Products Association, in cooperation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and United Plant Savers

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