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TOPIC: High Mountain sengin 2019

High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42193

Hey all...we did a family vacation (all last week, got back home Yesterday - Monday)... went to Walt Disney World.

My Wife and Kids love that place... and my kids are 22 and 17 now :-)

I go mostly to just be with them and well parts of it are OK too (not the huge crowds of people and all that walking and waiting)... I would much rather be fishing...

And guess what I did at Walt Disney World this year... well you can book a Fishing Excursion and have your own personal guide to take you fishing for a couple hours. It was a little pricey (cost me right around 270.00) for that 2 hours of fishing... but hey I got out of the crowds a while and had some fishing fun.

Per the guide it is about the worst time to be fishing there (end of summer for them) and the fishing was slow.... but in 2 hours I caught 14 fish (which did not seem that bad to me).

They provided all the gear, the boar, everything... and you had your choice of artificial lures or big shiner minnows... I went with the shiners. Caught several in the 1-2 lb range...nothing really impressive.

The one below was the best of the morning (I fished the 7-9 time frame)....

It had a rather large head and long body but was slim... might have weighed 3 lbs or so.

He said the best time to be there fishing is late Jan early Feb... I have already told my wife next time they plan a disney vacation we need to go around Feb 1.

It is all catch and release there, so they all go tossed back.

PS... while we were in WDW we got word from home that it came several good rains and cooled off nicely. Finally FALL came.
My garden spot is looking really good now. I have some Zukes and Cukes coming on, and ate a big pile of collards and kale for lunch today.

About time to get a mess of squirrels, and some fresh back strap.


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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42194

Sounds like a fun time TN. I just got back from South Carolina, and did a little fishing down there. We caught some monster red fish, I mean some 25- 30 pounders. They were to big to keep, but a blast to catch. Man, they were incredibly strong. We caught several sharks out there as well. Our guide said they latched onto a 1,000 pound tiger shark one time. He said it took them 3 hours to get it to the boat. That would've been an interesting experience. I think I'll stick to my crappie and trout fishing up here in the mountains, lol. Well, we're finally getting a decent little rain here today. A lot cooler finally as well, had me a little fire night before last outside, it was nice.

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Last Edit: by wildspirit44.

High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42195

nice fish TN,

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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42196

couple of the redfish we caught

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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42197


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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42198

My niece caught this shark. She didn't know what to think!, lol. This was our guide with bulldog charter fishing, highly recommend them! Great experience

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Last Edit: by wildspirit44.

High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42199

Great pics there wild...

I have never caught or fished for any of those, but hey catching any kind of fish is fun !

I do love those crappie for eating.. they are sure hard to beat... but for the fight I love those river smallies.

Since it has cooled off some here I will have to hit the river again soon, those river bass usually start feeding heavy when it cools down in the fall.


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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42200

well that's cool 44,that smile on your niece's face pretty much say's it all, congrats to her...cant beat a good smallie battle on light tackle TN, hope you get into them........

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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42201

That was my first time catching red fish. I couldn't believe how strong those fish were. I thought I was gonna have to strap myself in the chair to bring those things in, lol. Red fish is excellent eating, but the ones we caught were to big to keep unfortunately. They have to be between 15-23 inches to keep. The bigger ones are protected by law in South Carolina now. Would've been nice to bring a mess back for the grill. Chief, my niece and nephew both got a little action. Loved getting to watch them battle those fish. They had a ball.

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High Mountain sengin 2019 5 years 5 months ago #42219

Getting some good rain here today. I did a little bit of hiking yesterday up in the smoky mountain national park to check out the color. It was just absolutely beautiful. I found this 4 prong just right off the trail. I found several others close to it. They are of course protected up there in the park, but enjoyed spotting a few, lol. I sure didn't expect to see any seng this late in the year, but there's a few still up looks like.

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Last Edit: by wildspirit44.
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