tnhillhugger1 wrote:Billy...
As a mother of two daughters,(18)&(12)both nature lovers- it does my heart good to read your post's and see how you are sharing with and teaching the younger generation. I've been trying to get my 12 year old to go with me this year, I know she would love it! Last year was my first year at it and I was \"hooked\"...I went so hard at it- I ended up having knee surgery in the spring. Needless to say ...I've paced myself this year. But I still see it when I close my eyes at night!
Didn't mean to ramble....just want all of you to know that reading your post's and seeing Christian like fellowship has been a blessing to me....
Thanks all.....
Jane (tnhillhugger1)
Jane I know what you are going through, when I first started years ago I would close my eyes to sleep and see beautiful 3 prong plants!! Hard to sleep when there's seng to dig.

Good luck with th girls, I have taken mine to gather cohosh, star root,ginseng and a few others. They are now 18 and 23 and have other things on their minds but I and they still have the memories.
Good job Caleb!!