Maya - Thanks man
Tnhunter - Thanks and you are for sure right I enjoy diggin and these days are few in between when we make a haul this memorable.It is not often that we dig that much in one day.2 Pounds or a litttle more is no so unoften,but well over four pounds is,and you just never forget that as you said.We have truly been blessed with nice seng in the Mountians due of course to the very ritch soil....
Lenno thanks man I app: that
Chieftain - You are right I am back and im feeling alot better once The Seng Factor got kicked in alot better..
hillbilly - Thanks alot brother its good to get back...
5prong thanks and LoL I realy liked that one a grand slam :o)
Guys I am alot better the walk yesterday helped me alot and the Doc said it helped me as well and gave me the go ahead so ong as I take it easy so I am,we had another great day today....