Here is what a ShagBark hickory nut looks like split, and with the nut meat extracted...
i have found 8 nice shagbark hickory trees so far this fall and early winter... next October I will harvest the nuts in October soon after they fall.
Here on my place I have only found 1 shag and it is a little young... but I have several mockernut trees here. Mockers taste great but they do not crack out as well as Shag or Shell. Once I find enough Shag and Shell... I may not harvest any more mockers.
Anyway... you guys know what it is like to get out in the woods and hunt for something

Hickory nuts is another way to spend some time doing that and you can have some wonderful nuts to eat for months and months.. I have hundreds that I have collected this fall... will be eating hickory nuts until sometime next summer.