I have lived in one spot all my life... but when I do retire... here in another year or two... I may just move somewhere else.
May stay in Tennessee... but may try another location, another town, another part of the state.
East TN is very pretty, got mountains over there... long tall hillsides with Ginseng too

Lots of lakes for fishing too. Sounds like my kind of place.
If you do decide to leave your state you might consider TN... I think our politicians may be a "little" more honest than yours
My Grandfather was our County's General Sessions Court Judge, and my Dad was County Property Assessor..
I got sick of politics when I was a kid... knocking on doors, asking for votes, when I was a kid... hated that stuff.
but thru all my teenage and young adult years my Grandfather was General Sessions Court Judge... State Troopers would not even give me a speeding ticket.
That came in real handy
It has been a good spring here so far, got close to having some damaging late frost, but just squeaked by - I have 3 peach trees, loaded, apple trees loaded, mulberry loaded, loganberries ripe now (been eating those the past week), and my red and gold raspberries are ripe today (ate a few on my lunch hour).
Been eating strawberries and goumi berries for a while now... got some nice leaf lettuce, snap peas, tomatoes, sweet corn and okra going on the flat garden.
Everything looking good so far.
Hope you guys have a great summer.
If you have never seen a Goumi Berry... below is a pic.
This one is called Sweet Scarlet.
This shows a few Loganberries I ate yesterday... and my Chicago Hardy FIg ...