Chief... it has warmed up here too.. been in the 90's quite a bit lately.
Don't think we have had 98 though.... more mid to low 90s here.
I have Peaches about to get ripe (Early Elberta)... colored up nicely now, yellow with blush of red, but still firm. I squeezed one yesterday that gave a tiny bit. Won't be long now.
I started getting ripe Loganberrirs May 24, and Red raspberries May 26... Gold Raspberries (just a trickle started about that same time) and Blueberries (my early bushes) May 30...
Now June 19... my Red Raspberries are about done, only a few left, the Golds have picked up, getting more of those, the Loganberries are still producing but at a slower pace now. Blueberries still producing (have to bag them to keep birds from getting them all).
I have had strawberries, here and there since early May... I have some june bearing (Sure Crop) and everbearing, Eversweet and Seascape, but they have just been producing slowly, every now and then. I did let them run some early this year and establish more plants, and that hurt the fruit production. I have plenty of plants now, so keeping all runners off the rest of the year. Should produce more fruit now (the everbearing).. Last fall they did nicely.
And now that my raspberries are slowing down.. I ate my first ripe blackberries on 6/15 - Illini, and Ouachita. They are both starting to produce nicely now.
I know my ilinni blackberries will product until end of July, early August (if we get some good rains in there)...
So between strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries... I have fresh berries (all we can eat daily + freezing plenty) from early May thru early August.
I have frozen 24 pints of berries so far.
Forgot about Goumi Berries.. I have two bushes, Red Gem, Sweet Scarlet, and one ripened just before the other and they produced ripe fruit from May 10 to May 30.
As mentioned... Early Elberta peaches usually ripen June 20-25...for a couple weeks, then my other peach tree starts ripening.. so I get peaches for about a month.
Of my 3 new apple trees, only one bloomed this year (2 yr olds)... Gold Rush bloomed, the others should next spring.
I hand pollinated it with some blooms from my older Mac apple tree, and letting it bear 4 apples this year. they are looking great so far, and my older Mac apple is loaded, 100's of apples.
Figs will start ripening in mid to late July, slow trickle at first, ending in a rush of fruit as first frost approaches.
I have 2 JuJube trees, that are in bloom now. 2 year trees... if they set fruit, they are supposed to ripen mid Sept thru Oct.
The Gold Rush apple ripens late Oct, early Nov, and is a long storage apple... they say you can put in the fridge, and eat them all winter, even into March, April, with good quality, flavor. We'll see if that works out.
Oh yes, and everbearing raspberries produce a crop in the fall, my reds and golds, and last year they started ripening fruit first week in Sept, and we got our last berries on Dec 3 (that was our first hard frost last year).
I have Jostaberry and Currants growing too... but so far they don't seem to like my southern heat and sun. Just sort of making it here, not thriving, and producing very little fruit. I may try Crandell Cove Currants next - I hear they are very heat/humidity tolerant and very productive, good flavor.
I have Leaf Lettuce and snap peas in the garden, so many good salads (with berries)... also got some nice Big Beef and Rutgers tomatoes, Okra and Sweet Corn looking good.
Big Beef tomatoes are LOADED as usual, and noticed one (bottom left) starting to show color yesterday evening.
Hope you all are having a very bountiful summer too...