I started my first RaspBerries last spring.. Everbearing type... Heritage Red, Fall Gold.... 3 of each.
But it turned out that the nursery I bought from, got one of them mixed up... and I got 3 Heritage, 2 Fall Gold, and some type of Black Raspberry (June Bearing).
Last fall the Heritage and Gold gave us lots of nice berries from early Sept to Dec 3 (first hard frost).
The mystery black raspberry, produced no fruit last fall, so I know if it not a everbearing variety... a june bearer instead. So this summer I will see how those taste, and the Reds and Gold will produce again this summer... and then again this fall.
I am starting to like these raspberries pretty good... looks like you can buy just a few and they are very easy to propagate by tip rooting or shoots that come up off the roots.
The 8 in the back are Heritage Red (root shoots)... and the two front left are the mystery black, and the one front right is a fall gold.
I am going to plant some of those for my Daughter at her home in Cookeville TN... and plant the others for myself..
Got to get some FISHING in soon.. have not been yet, too much rain this week, river all messed up.
Hope you Chief, and Woodsrunner and any others out there on wildgrown and doing OK and having a good year so far.