way to go billy hopefully will get to go on this coming friday and saturday. I n the places i told u about. don't really get to go alot with the kids and all. Have a lot of planting to do this week also. keeep up the good work though billy.
Hillbilly I hope you do very good up there Im sure that if you find a holler not checked it will produce good seng in that mountian,also nothing better than time spent with the family like that.
Here is a photo of that big ole 2 prong Caleb found last year at 9 years old with me,it is the only other one I have seen that big and with a root like that. http[img size=506]http
Great looking 5-prong billy! I've only ever found 2. Neither one that I found had all 5 leaves on each stem, but my brother found one last year that was a full 5 leaves on each stem. It had a ball of red berries almost the size of a tennis ball. Wish I could share a pic of that one, but I dont have one. It was the most Impressive top I've ever seen.