2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Dealers

Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14415

guy's when i started this thread all it was for was to get some of the dealers that are sitting and watching this site simply post their prices .
That way the diggers had some idea of what root was bringing thats all.
I could care less what a dealer makes on root . as long as i make what i think is a fair price .

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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14417

SengNveins wrote:

Its funny everybody knows exactly what the digger makes but it is taboo to know what the dealers make......Thanks for your reply BCastle.


Well, you have seen yourself on this board that there is some mystical figure called \"too much\" No one knows exactly how much it is. As Billy said above, the hassle that comes along with answering some of these questions isn't worth it. However, like I said, some poeple just cannot be made happy.

My response to your direct question is as direct as I can make it. I didn't avoid you, I told you the truth. I paid as high as $750 and made less than $40 at the peak and just after. But, there is someone out there who will think that is \"too much\" and I must have taken advantage of someone to make that much. (never mind that the digger who got $750 a pound dug the root when it was only worth $375 and would have sold it at $350 if that was all they could get)

Billy is right on another point, this sounds like an argument. My apologies if I sound like I'm arguing. But, I have found that in discussion, challenging ideas is the process from which advances in learning and understanding are made. I don't mind when someone challenges my ideas. But, like anyone else, I don't like being called a liar.

I do find it somewhat personally intrusive for a person who sold me a widget at a fair price to which they agreed, to later ask me how much I sold that widget to someone else for. That is, after all, my business. Right? But, when they suggest I'm being dishonest if I don't open my books for them, that's a bit over the top.

I'm not directing that at you SengNveins, just at people in general. To give you an example, I tried to rent an apartment for someone earlier today. I was given the price as $325 a month. When I asked the owner if I could sublet, she asked if I was going to make money on the deal. When I told her I was, and that it would be a winning deal for all three people involved, primarily for her, she told me that if I was going to do that she wanted $350. *shakinghishead* I'm a professional at dealing with people, but I still just don't understand some people at times.

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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14418

  • Billy
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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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triton wrote:

guy's when i started this thread all it was for was to get some of the dealers that are sitting and watching this site simply post their prices .
That way the diggers had some idea of what root was bringing thats all.
I could care less what a dealer makes on root . as long as i make what i think is a fair price .

Their you Triton I agree thats the key to see that you are happy with what you make from your labor.

The labor is worethy of his hire

I have never and will never sell untill i am happy with my selling price,even if it is less than my desired price,even if i had to hold it over,but i never have.

Everyone needs to make money,but when money becomes the issue of the love of ginseng then it is wrong all together becaue it steals the blessing giving in the heart og the digger.

And I am a digger always have been always will be i had rather dig one pound thanby 1000 pound.

I bought and resold dry ginseng last season sometimes as low as 15 dollors a pound profit/fact....

It is not as people think,you have to buy alot to make a decent amount,and i mean alot.


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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14419

triton wrote:

guy's when i started this thread all it was for was to get some of the dealers that are sitting and watching this site simply post their prices .
That way the diggers had some idea of what root was bringing thats all.
I could care less what a dealer makes on root . as long as i make what i think is a fair price .

Its all good Triton..no worries.

But, let me ask you this....what is a \"fair price\"? You see, concepts like \"too much\" and \"fair\" are always subjective. There is no way to know what is too much or fair in any given situation when dealing with different people. What I think is fair and too little, you might think is unfair and too much.

So, dealers generally do not discuss this because we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Diggers don't want to afix a price that is 'fair' for dealers to have to pay them, because that would guarantee that prices will never go above that point. So, this poses the question, when prices go above what is considered 'fair' does it mean the price is unfair to the dealer? Have you ever heard of any digger who wanted a set number, say $500/lb, and called a week or two later and found the price at $575, take his or her ginseng to that dealer and refuse to take more than $500/lb because it was unfair to the dealer?

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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14420

BCastle....I appreciate your response and enjoy and learn from your posts here on this site, I personally think if you invest $750 you should make at least 15% that money....I honestly do not have a problem with a dealer making profit and meant no disrespect by asking.

Being self employed I have thought of becoming a dealer myself, but I enjoy hunting seng too much to risk letting the business end change that....You know what they say \" you cant mix business with pleasure \" B)


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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14423

Thank you for your kind words.

I still dig when I can. Unfortunately, I'm in an area where there is not too much wild ginseng to find. As a grower, I get to be around ginseng all the time. It is truly a battery-recharging event when I can take a day and not have to be at work or someplace else, and I can stay in the woods tending to my beds or digging. I've grown ginseng around the house for years in woodland gardens before I had to move away (divorce). Now, I still keep some raised beds close by, and run to the woods as often as my schedule will allow.

I think you would make a good dealer. But, I also think that 15% figure might have to be adjusted some! ;)

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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14424

Here is what worries me,That we may price ourselves out of the market.

Other countries are having success at woodsgrown and even wild simulated.

So beware of the high prices we want, don't come up and bite us.

Think about it, anywhere close to $450 a lb. in my opinion is a great price.


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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14430

Rootman are you a dealer too?

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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14435

triton wrote:

Rootman are you a dealer too?

triton, yes I am.
What am I making on the lb.? Right now I'm paying $400 a lb. but most of it comes in to me
in small increments. Once I've bought up around 15 lbs. I've been selling at $425 a lb. to my buyer and he is hoping to hear from his buyers soon.


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Re:Dealers 13 years 3 months ago #14436

hope your buyer has good news for you, Root,

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