2024 Summer/Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Accepting orders for pre-set shipping dates
* Ginseng Rootlets: Pre-orders accepted for fall shipment in October
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TOPIC: Dealers

Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14398

I can't count it all because i don't know how much you spend to promote your business, but i do know your not doing it for fun.
I just think dealers make more than they let on.
I have saw dealers drive many miles to buy a lb. of root and then say they only made 25.00 a lb. when i know they spent more than that in gas.
I know you have to make a profit to stay in biz. i'm not knocking that i just to be lied to.

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14401

sorry i didn't see the rest of ur post.
But looks like you do have alot to do to ship this stuff so i know you have to turn a profit to stay in biz.
So my guess is if you have to put up with all the red tape it must really be worth it...

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14406

Well, here is the thing Triton, some people will never be happy if anyone but them are making anything on anything they have a hand in. Others are not as clear-cut, and just think as long as the other guy (root dealer in this case) is only making a small amount on top of the $450-$500 the digger sold his pound of ginseng for, that's ok. But, if the digger suspects that dealer makes more than some mystical figure only defined as \"too much\", then suddenly the digger feels he must have some how been cheated. Its the same with trappers. If they sell their muskrats at $2.25 and then the market climbs a week later, they feel like the buyer cheated them.

Folks, this just isn't the case. This is a market situation. It is stupid to pay more for something than you can sell it for. Its value is only what it can be sold for right now. What MIGHT happen tomorrow is just speculation. Sure, some dealers speculate. God bless them! I hope they all make money doing just that. But, some dealers do not, and those of us who live in the current reality of the market know what we can sell for today or tomorrow, but not next week. Just as likely as the market is to go up, it might just as well go down and we lose money instead of making money. Until we clean up, and the check is in the bank, there are no guarantees.

Let me ask all of you...

How much should a dealer be able to make on a pound of ginseng after he buys it from the digger?
If there is a set number, are you willing to set a maximum price that diggers are allowed to get for their ginseng?

Do you think the dealer should mail you a check for any increase in market prices since he bought the root from you?
If so, are you willing to refund money to the dealer if the price goes down after you sell?

You see, you can't have it both ways. If you want high prices, you have to let the market do its thing and let those who are involved take their risk and be rewarded for doing so. You sell your ginseng when you want to sell it. You sell it at the going market price, not what it might be in a week or two. If the market increases, the dealer made money on the market, not on you. No one cheated you, no one put a gun to your head and forced you to sell last week.

The fact of the matter is some people are just never happy.

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14408

triton wrote:

who are they?

the man at shumway is still at 425..Mr.Wey at Riverton ILL.is at 450..my buddy over there said mr. wey told him to call him back at mid. week for a price change..

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14409

thanks for the imfo
Maybe it's going to start moving in the next couple of weeks

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14410

I really hope so.

I have said right from the start I'd rather go in and buy everything for $600 a pound from the start as competing for it at $650 later.

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14411


First let me thank you for interacting with the diggers.;)

I agree that when a dealer buys seng and holds it on speculation of rising prices he or she owes no one anything when the price rises and he or she makes a profit, sometimes it goes the other way as well and you never hear of diggers offering the dealer money when the price drops. If it was not profitable you could not stay in business.

BCastle I have one simple question, lets say last year at the peak, I believe it was mid November , what price were you getting vs what you could pay the digger? Lets say for 1 good pound of average seng.

Thanks for your time and concern.


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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14412

  • Billy
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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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Here is a small thought of mine while watching these posts and just reading along.

If anyone believes that a dealer is getting rich from buying andf selling ginseng,then let them join in the gaines by doing simple procedure.

1- send in for your dealers license

2- strat buying ginseng yourself

3- find the next dealer up to sell it to

4- after selling count up the profit

5- when you get loaded with money and become wealthy from all the money you just made from the diggers,,,do this next,,

Call Billy Taylor at 606-302-1187 tell him who you sold to and made so much money,becaue i want to get rich to.........

All this stuff about dealers getting rich from diggers is non sence,,,no one person/dealer is getting rich,the suff changes hands to much,and all of them make some profit,at least i hope so,because if they dont,then why should they buy it at all ? no sence in buying anything and resling it for nothing,,,hopefuly every man or woman up the chain does make something,but if you think that the local dealer is getting rich,,then by all means let me invite you to become apart of the wealthy by,,,,


It is a free country,and you have the free right to become a dealer,whats holding people back,heck lets all become dealers we want need a buyer anymore,right ? whats the need in a buyer,why should he make anything right,,try it yourself....

These conversations help nothing and in my opinion are as helpful as scientific genoligies and is the very reason i havented posted information this season,its like an argument,yet all that have e-mailed me i have gave an answer to their questions everyone,,,i do not mind answering a question about prices,but all the stuff that goes along with it when you do is non sence and not worth the trouble it brings.


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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14413

SengNveins wrote:


First let me thank you for interacting with the diggers.;)

No worries. This is why I came back to the boards here after being away for so long.

I agree that when a dealer buys seng and holds it on speculation of rising prices he or she owes no one anything when the price rises and he or she makes a profit, sometimes it goes the other way as well and you never hear of diggers offering the dealer money when the price drops. If it was not profitable you could not stay in business.

BCastle I have one simple question, lets say last year at the peak, I believe it was mid November , what price were you getting vs what you could pay the digger? Lets say for 1 good pound of average seng.

Thanks for your time and concern.


That is the direct kind of question that is generally ignored for obvious reasons. This thread shows that to be sound principle. However, I will answer you this way. I did not make two twenty dollar bills on any pound I bought last year...even as the prices peaked.

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Re:Dealers 12 years 9 months ago #14414

Its funny everybody knows exactly what the digger makes but it is taboo to know what the dealers make......Thanks for your reply BCastle.


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