Big Rod wrote:
Also from what I am hearing from my dealers is there is about 45% left over from last season, and the China markets is wantting to comit on a price yet
well there you go ,you can hear just about anything..4 weeks ago my china man from Chicago told me there was little to no hold over in any of the Asian markets from last year..he also told me that the reason that china had not committed was they were still inventorying orders that were still coming in .he said in other words they were waiting to see what kinda harvest season North America was going to have.[supply] Big R i'm not saying your mans wrong and my guy's right..time will tell on those points.

what I'm saying is what a discrepancy dealers ,exporters ,and the Asians can it more BS and mind games ,probably ...see \"us as diggers \" we are the lowest rung on the food we get the least amount of imfo..