2025 Spring Planting:

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TOPIC: Fall, Spring, and Winter hunting/fishing

Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 7 months ago #42013

well you got some balls.44..lol....I went out on a scouting trip to a woods today seen somewhere around 100 plants in two different woods,alot of the plants had no berry stems at all [ not chewed off, never grew out ], those that did were only a inch or so long and were curled bent ,deformed...never seen a berry, red or green on any plants,seemed really strange......

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Last Edit: by Chieftain.

Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 7 months ago #42014

Glad you got some spotted chief. That is weird about the berry stems. I haven't done any scouting, but have studied some areas on google maps that look mighty interesting, gonna be warm that's for sure.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42015

44, regarding that snake, I think it's a "biggin'". :)

I run into some black racers here in WV, don't think they're venomous but they act aggressive if threatened. I give them plenty of room. lol

This evening I picked and planted 21 berries on my property, I think that puts me over 60 for the season. I get really stoked when I see a new plant or red berries, no doubt since it's my first season having discovered seng on my property.

Checking my colonies last week I noticed berries on a plant that had no tops. Apparently eaten off, I hadn't noticed this plant until the red berries caught my eye.

Seems like every time I check my plants I see something new.

This evening driving back down to the house I noticed a huge brilliant cluster of red berries (must've been 20+ on the first plant) on a slope. I stopped and checked the plant out, not seng (bummer), I then found two more of them. I didn't have my camera with me but upon searching online, I think they might be "jack-in-the-pulpits". Tomorrow I will take a photo and post it here.

I think JITP is a seng companion plant?? Will try to post a pic tomorrow, not sure if there's any significance of finding these plants if they're what I think they might be.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42025

Took me a bit longer to post these pics but these are what I suspect are jack-in-the-pulpits. I located four of these in the same area. If anyone can lend any insight on the benefits or otherwise regarding these guys in relation to seng, that be cool.

Meanwhile, while looking for JITPs today, I discovered a 3-prong seng with 5 red berries. I've canvassed this slope at least twice before, including just yesterday and can't imagine how I missed it. I left the berries as I want to share the pic here so will snap the pic tomorrow. I found two 3-leafers near it but that's all.

Also, was hoping to plant a few berries that didn't look quite ripe the other day and they were gone this evening, bummer.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42026

jm, I run into those quite often while hunting ginseng. They will definitely catch your eye with those big berry clusters popping out. Never heard of anyone using the root, but apparently it does have some medicinal benefits. It likes to grow in the same habitat as ginseng, so when you see those you'll usually find ginseng as well.

Jack in the Pulpit root is acrid, antiseptic, diaphoretic, expectorant, irritant and stimulant. A poultice of root used for headaches and various skin diseases. Ointment used for ringworm, tetterworm and abscesses treatments.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42034

I found two more "pulpits" yesterday in a different location. The plants looked pretty much eaten but the berry clusters were lying on the ground, barely supported by their stems. This location was also a slope leading down to a natural drainage stream. Didn't find any seng there but will plant there this fall.

Oddly, I found one other pulpit, also in sad condition high on a slope that was a bit sunny and quite brushy, just didn't seem like a good place for it.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42052

I want to post this pic, I think it's maidenhair fern (after looking at pics online) but am not quite sure. I found a very large amount of this on a north-facing slope as well as in a few other places. Actually, I found a three-prong growing beneath one of these ferns which produced 4 nice berries.

I've been scouting my property for companion plants and "happy seng places" for planting this fall. So far, no yellow jackets but de-burring my dogs is getting old. :)

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 6 months ago #42066

Yes that's maidenhair

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Fall, Spring, and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 2 days ago #42342

We've had some beautiful weather here in the mountains as of late. Did a little trout fishing today, and everyone and their brother was out and about. Everyone is stir crazy I guess. With all the river traffic I managed to luck into a few trout for dinner. Hope everyone is hanging in there through all of this and wish everyone health, and good weather!

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Fall, Spring, and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 2 days ago #42343


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