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TOPIC: Fall, Spring, and Winter hunting/fishing

Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41931

Found a big crawfish trying to steal my gold

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41932

Mimosa trees are in full bloom

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41933

nice gold,i would put that crawdaddy on a hook and see if a fish would eat him....

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41934

He was a big one. I'd like to find a bunch like that and have a cajun boil..

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Last Edit: by wildspirit44.

Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41935

wildspirit44 wrote: He was a big one. I'd like to find a bunch like that and have a cajun boil..

..oh hell yes..

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41938

Thanks for the pic, I have a tree like that in my yard and wondered what it was. I've seen humming birds visit it.


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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41940

hey jm, good to see some new sengers on here. Welcome to the forum. Yep those mimosa's grow everywhere around here, especially along the rivers it seems. It's a pretty tree, almost looks like it would belong on a tropical island somewhere.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41957

44, since you posted that pic I've noticed a couple others in my yard and along the road into town. The one outside our bedroom window is still in bloom, wonder how long they're in bloom?

Thanks for the welcome.

Mods: not sure why I'm double posting at times.

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Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41965

Hey jm466

those double post are often caused by --- either the server or perhaps your internet connection running a little slow... about the time you hit the SUBMIT button... and it pauses a bit, and you think... did I really hit that SUBMIT button... it's not moving, then you hit that SUBMIT button again... and well then it moves on, and you get your post in there two times.

I have done it myself a time or two.

Best way to avoid that is to focus, hit that SUBMIT button for sure... and then wait... (arg.. who wants to wait on computers).... but wait for it to go thru. Some times it takes longer than others.

Good Luck


PS... I can delete duplicates where I am a moderator and did delete a few on this thread.

PS2... when I hit SUBMIT on the post above... it was a good 30 seconds before the SUBMIT went thru... I thought about hitting it again... but you just have to resist that urge :-)

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Last Edit: by TNhunter.

Fall and Winter hunting/fishing 5 years 8 months ago #41966

Well boys and girls it's hard to believe in another month it will be sengin time again. This summer has flown by, still have a good deal of hot weather left that's for sure. We got some good rain couple days ago. The water was high at the river, but I landed a couple trout and lost two. There is a whole family of otters at the river now, and man they are wearing the trout out. I bet I saw half dozen dead trout they'd been eating on, and saw one with a trout in his mouth as well, lol. It's funny I've never noticed them till this year. There's two large families of them on two different spots on the river. I might have to see about relocating these critters before they ruin my fishing, lol.

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