2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts?

Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27252

I watched the Show today online and I will say that I was not impressed! They are turning into an every man for himself Gold Rush type film with partners accusing each other of pocketing Ginseng roots, the other partner pocketing the whole $100 bonus for himself and then there are the good old local boys shooting up Out of Stater's vehicles. From the brief clip of next weeks episode, it appears that there will be much more of this. While the Producers of the Show may not see it heading that way, I see that it is eventually going to get someone hurt or killed! Although most of the scenes are scripted and staged and everyone connected with the Show may have thought it funny to shoot up a Blount County Tennessee fellow's car on film and air it, things will be a lot different this Fall if some good ole boys from Cocke County Tennessee show up to dig Ginseng and someone shoots up their' vehicle. I guarantee that the blood bath will be worse than the feud between the Hatfields and Mcoys! What makes it worse, is that I purchased a Lifetime Hunting License when I lived in West Virginia and now, if I go back there to deer hunt, my' truck may get shot up. If that happens, I have friends in West Virginia that will help me find the criminals and it is a good chance that someone will get hurt.

All in all, the Show is definitely treading where it should not go! However, I did find the scene with Greg getting caught in the snare pretty funny. Also, the scene where his' truck jumped out of gear and he had to dive through the window was pretty funny. It could have really been bad if the tree close to the truck on the driver's side had snagged Greg's legs! If that had happened, it is doubtful we would be seeing him on future episodes.


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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27253

I hear ya, although like you said it's all staged I wouldn't worry to much. Somehow they've made ginseng huntin look more dangerous than the Columbian drug trade, lol. I'm always armed to the teeth when I go out into the back woods even on private property as I always hunt alone. My family thinks i'm crazy but I carry an ar 15 with 2 30rd mags and a 9mm sidearm and a buck knife. I go about 3-5 miles on 4 wheeler into the back country and if I run into trouble there's no help coming for a long time. It's mostly for bear protection but you never know what you might run up on.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27254

wildspirit44 wrote:

I hear ya, although like you said it's all staged I wouldn't worry to much. Somehow they've made ginseng huntin look more dangerous than the Columbian drug trade, lol. I'm always armed to the teeth when I go out into the back woods even on private property as I always hunt alone. My family thinks i'm crazy but I carry an ar 15 with 2 30rd mags and a 9mm sidearm and a buck knife. I go about 3-5 miles on 4 wheeler into the back country and if I run into trouble there's no help coming for a long time. It's mostly for bear protection but you never know what you might run up on.

Yeah but the problem is, there are those that see Shows like this as being true life!

As far as being armed, I usually only carry my' Remington Model 700 LSS in 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle with a Leupold Vari-X III 4.5-14x50mm Tactical Scope during legal game seasons. However, due to a Cougar being in the area where I Gold prospect, I just traded for a Smith & Wesson \"Performance Center\" Model 25-10 Revolver in .45 Long Colt for carrying. Until I found the Cougar tracks, I never saw much need for a Carry Permit but now with the threat of a Big Cat and idiots that will be hitting the woods due to the Appalachian Outlaws Show, I planned to be armed from here on out.


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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27255

Yeah but the problem is, there are those that see Shows like this as being true life!

As far as being armed, I usually only carry my' Remington Model 700 LSS in 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle with a Leupold Vari-X III 4.5-14x50mm Tactical Scope during legal game seasons. However, due to a Cougar being in the area where I Gold prospect, I just traded for a Smith & Wesson \"Performance Center\" Model 25-10 Revolver in .45 Long Colt for carrying. Until I found the Cougar tracks, I never saw much need for a Carry Permit but now with the threat of a Big Cat and idiots that will be hitting the woods due to the Appalachian Outlaws Show, I planned to be armed from here on out.


I know, thank god it's really not that dangerous in most cases. I like being prepared just in case especially if you happen to run into multiple attackers. Bears are all over the place where I hunt. I was literally running into bear scat every 50 yrds or so, big piles of it. Where abouts do you gold prospect if I might ask. I've been wanting to try that out. Do you ever go up to little river or the coker creek area in Tellico?

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27256

wildspirit44 wrote:

Yeah but the problem is, there are those that see Shows like this as being true life!

As far as being armed, I usually only carry my' Remington Model 700 LSS in 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle with a Leupold Vari-X III 4.5-14x50mm Tactical Scope during legal game seasons. However, due to a Cougar being in the area where I Gold prospect, I just traded for a Smith & Wesson \"Performance Center\" Model 25-10 Revolver in .45 Long Colt for carrying. Until I found the Cougar tracks, I never saw much need for a Carry Permit but now with the threat of a Big Cat and idiots that will be hitting the woods due to the Appalachian Outlaws Show, I planned to be armed from here on out.


I know, thank god it's really not that dangerous in most cases. I like being prepared just in case especially if you happen to run into multiple attackers. Bears are all over the place where I hunt. I was literally running into bear scat every 50 yrds or so, big piles of it. Where abouts do you gold prospect if I might ask. I've been wanting to try that out. Do you ever go up to little river or the coker creek area in Tellico?

Up until now, I just carried a razor sharp hatchet and my' Buck #119 Knife. I have run into dozens of Black Bear while out in the woods over the years and have been charged by Sows with Cubs twice. In all of those cases, I did not run or make any sudden moves and always stood my ground. I have been lucky that the Sows that charged me, backed off when they saw I wasn't going to back away from the confrontation.

I generally prospect in Southeast Tennessee not too far from Coker Creek. Sometimes, I go to North Carolina but it is a fairly long drive. I have prospected in Coker Creek once but I always saw that it had been played out due to being prospected by thousands of folks over the last 130 years or more. However, I recently found out that there is a new recent discovery there and may go down to check it out some time. I am always looking for someone to go with me to my' secret spot but I haven't had very much luck as most of these folks work and can't go when the weather is good. Mother Nature in the ways of flash floods, pretty much destroyed my' secret spot over the 3 years I did not go there. It will take some work to get back down to where the real Gold is but if some boulders can be removed, this spot has the potential to produce Gold, Silver, possibly Platinum and other heavy metals as well as Gems. You see, I know a secret about this spot that only a few friends and myself know. If you ever want to go in the Spring or Summer, just send me a message and hopefully we can get together and go.


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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27257

I generally prospect in Southeast Tennessee not too far from Coker Creek. Sometimes, I go to North Carolina but it is a fairly long drive. I have prospected in Coker Creek once but I always saw that it had been played out due to being prospected by thousands of folks over the last 130 years or more. However, I recently found out that there is a new recent discovery there and may go down to check it out some time. I am always looking for someone to go with me to my' secret spot but I haven't had very much luck as most of these folks work and can't go when the weather is good. Mother Nature in the ways of flash floods, pretty much destroyed my' secret spot over the 3 years I did not go there. It will take some work to get back down to where the real Gold is but if some boulders can be removed, this spot has the potential to produce Gold, Silver, possibly Platinum and other heavy _meta_ls as well as Gems. You see, I know a secret about this spot that only a few friends and myself know. If you ever want to go in the Spring or Summer, just send me a message and hopefully we can get together and go.


That sounds great would love to go and plan on doing that schedule willing. I use to fish all the time down at Tellico. My grandma was born and raised in Tellico and her dad was the game warden down there. Lots of old family history down there. There's actually pictures of them in the Tellico history museum they have there now. I have a gold pan and have done a little prospecting in some of the creeks where I ginseng hunt with no luck. I've been thinking of getting a sluice but would like to learn some basics first you know.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27259

I'm not sure how I feel about American Outlaws. At this point in time in this unstable economy, I am fully aware of the out right necessity of being self sufficient. That means being able to live with what God gave us. Mother Earth. However, that does not mean we have the right to rape and plunder Her. If you are not being responsible in harvesting ANY OF HER BOUNTY, STAY ON THE PAVEMENT!B)

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27264

I didn't know the show could be watched online. I'll have to try that, as we do not have a TiVo or otherwise recording cable device.

By the way, guys and gals, I have not received a response from the letters I wrote to A&E at all. No too sure what I was expecting as a response, -content anyway- however did expect that a response would be forthcoming. So far, nada.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27265

Whit, I heard nothing from them as well. Cowards!!!! lol

Here in Ohio there are areas where gold is allegedly deposited from the Glaciers back during the ice age. I have been researching it quite a bit. I know Gold prospecting in Ohio is at best only viable for a hobby only. Not enough to make a living at it. Anyway, I am going to attempt to go this spring. I know what counties in Ohio to go to. I know where in the river to look. I know what equipment to use and I know I have never stuck a pan in the water, lol. So I am a true amateur. Just finding a little bit would be so much fun.
Good luck with your Gold prospecting Frank.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27266

Latt wrote:

Whit, I heard nothing from them as well. Cowards!!!! lol

Here in Ohio there are areas where gold is allegedly deposited from the Glaciers back during the ice age. I have been researching it quite a bit. I know Gold prospecting in Ohio is at best only viable for a hobby only. Not enough to make a living at it. Anyway, I am going to attempt to go this spring. I know what counties in Ohio to go to. I know where in the river to look. I know what equipment to use and I know I have never stuck a pan in the water, lol. So I am a true amateur. Just finding a little bit would be so much fun.
Good luck with your Gold prospecting Frank.


I will try not to hijack this Thread any further but here is what I know!

Yes, there is quite a bit of Gold in Ohio, depending on where Glaciers came down from the North and crossed Ohio that were laden with Gold (i.e. the Glaciers acted like big Bulldozers and scraped deposits of Gold from Gold rich areas North of the border and deposited some of it on the travels across Ohio towards the Gulf of Mexico). In fact, most areas where the Glaciers carved out valleys, there is some amount of placer Gold. This Glacer deposited placer Gold is found in creeks, larger streams, rivers and in the ground across many areas of the United States and is deeper in some areas than in other areas. You just have to dig deep enough to find it!

I have a friend that lived in and prospected in Ohio and if I can get some information from him, I will pass it along. He told me that he once found a creek that he wanted to check out, so he went and got permission from the landowner and the creek was loaded with Gold. He said that everytime he went, he would get at least a gram or two every hour. That is better than many Prospectors get in weeks, months and sometimes even a year (yeah, Gold prospecting is a hard business or hobby and you have to find the right spot and work hard to get it!). If you want to find out more information on where to go and how to Gold prospect, then check out the forums at \"www dot treasurenet dot com forward slant forums forward slant forum dot php\" and yes, I am a member on this site as well under the same User Name.

Good luck!


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