2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts?

Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26963

I still I can't believe that my secret endeavor has now been exposed as a \"reality TV show\". Now every Tom, Dick and Harry is going to try growing it. How concerned are you guys about prices dropping in the future due to a flooded market? I know I am. I don't think its coincidence that Wildgrown.com stratified seed is now sold out less than two days after the show aired.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26964

Just as I figured. This morning while having breakfast at a local restaurant, I overheard 2 fellas i know talking about trying to grow ginseng in a greenhouse or at least digging a bunch this year. One asked me if I had seen that show the other night and what I thought about raising ginseng or reckon how much could be dug in a day..... With another fork full of pancakes I told them it sounded like a waste of time, just like the hour spent watching that show.


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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26967

  • Billy
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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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I was just as you as soon as I saw that he didn't know the difference between the two plants I was like ok lol grrrrrrrrrrr

Leebros! wrote:

When the first guy didn,t know doll,s eye from black cohosh I thought here we go and I wasn,t disapointed. I never once felt any realism 550 a pound for fresh ginseng in west virgina the first week of season indeed I would love to here from anyone who got that price from the buyers on the show if they are indeed real dealers. after 32 years digging herbs this show made me sick at my stomach yes ive had enough close calls to fill a book but anyone acting like these fellows would probally run into a tree and break their own neck. Still having said this I will watch again if nothing else to laugh at such stupidity.:(

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26968

I just watched this on hulu...wasn't expecting much....i mean ..its the history channel ...did you really expect it not to be scripted. didnt it seem like the field the guy from georgia ran up on the game warden and the field that the guys came up on when they seen the dope growers was the same field...they should call it mystery channel II because i havent a clue what theyre thinking making this kind of crap...gold diggers moonshiners etc....takes a pretty low iq to sit and actually watch that stuff....i guess that flouride in the water is working!

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26969

The History Channel needs the slogan... We know redneck drama.... I swear... I feel dumber watching these shows.

Since this show aired I have had 2 women and 2 teenagers wanting me to take them. The 2 women can bearly make it from the fridge back to the couch to watch the show and I'm pretty sure the teenagers just want to do it because they think it's illegal. Not, being one to beat around the bush I told the 2 women that they weren't in good enough shape to make the first pull and the 2 teenagers that I have permission to hunt everywhere that I go and I had enough competion from poachers.

As for the night poachers on the show... have any of you actually tried to find sang in the dark with a flash light?? I thought that I would give and hit the woods early to beat the heat once ... it's almost impossible. I ended up just setting down and waiting on day light. I was setting in a pretty good patch when it got light and I hadn't saw the first plant with the flash light.

I'm going to buy me atleast 1 of the game cameras that sends a photo text to my phone and put it on my patch at home.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26971

Of course the show is staged and set up for drama they all are. You just have to take it for what it is. Just like moonshiners or gold rush or any of these types of shows. If they just had some old guy walking around in the woods digging up plants not many people would watch. They have to add scripted action in there to get the typical tv watcher interested. Hunter, I don't think you should be afraid to introduce some youngsters to this old pastime. It's good to get them outdoors and away from all the crap and might be something that sticks with them forever. I can't wait until my nephew and niece get old enough to take them out. Just don't tell em where the hot spots are, lol.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26972

yeah your right 44 guess you just have to take it for what it is and be entertained...if the guy needed to feed his family so bad maybe he shoulda been diggin some seal or trimming some cherry tree bark...or even mayapple lol.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26975

Or stealing some of that mary jane it's going for 400 an ounce in Colorado right now. I mean if you're going to risk jail time go big, lol.

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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26993

I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that most film footage is staged and scripted and that no one is ever in danger of being shot. Hey, this is Reality TV, not Vietnam War footage filmed by a War Reporter! The Ginseng Plants that were dug, were probably pre-scouted and arrangements made with the Landowners for compensation. Heck, they (the Landowners) might have been some of the actors doing the chasing and shooting to make more money. The only thing that might be original to the footage is possibly the Pot Plants and if so, the Growers are probably not very happy by now. I was not impressed by the show but it does show the lengths that some Ginseng Poachers will go to to steal other folk's property. Highlighting the prices that Ginseng can bring, is bad for all of us but to me this was totally bogus (I mean come on, who pays $550 a pound or even $300 a pound for green Ginseng early or late in the season!!??:huh:). However, it may also cause the deaths of many Poachers and possible some property owners as complacent property owners realize that their' Ginseng and property is a risk and take up arms or other means to defend both. The History Channel should pull the show now before it's effects gets someone killed.

Last and not the least, I think the footage of the Ginseng Buyers/Dealers may put a bad light on and bad taste in everyone's mouths about Buyers/Dealers. This is especially so for those that poach on another Buyer's/Dealer's location and their' customers. I have seen this before when I lived in West Virginia and it sours everyone!


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Re:Watched American Outlaw? Your thoughts? 11 years 3 weeks ago #27019

Hello everyone.... I'm glad to see everyone enjoyed my show \" Appalachian Outlaws \". Yes I'm Tony Coffman and I'm a real life large ginseng dealer of 34 years buying experience. My family has been in the business since 1930.
I was asked to come on and give my opinion and view of things. Well after reading the comments made on most things about the show that's been made on here I can only say that I'm glad I don't care what other dealers think.
It is Hollywood and they have done a heck of a job of producing a dramatic and suspenseful show that 2.8 million viewers watched the premier of a old past time.
I have no control over the story line other than answer questions about ginseng facts for them. It is their job to bring in as many viewers for the advertisers as possible. And if you want to watch a documentary ? I shot one of those as well for the Korean TV Network while we filmed this show.
I hope you watch the show and enjoy it like all the folks who call in everyday just to say hello and if not that's OK too..but please just don't talk about me on here.. Thank You for your consideration.

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