I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that most film footage is staged and scripted and that no one is ever in danger of being shot. Hey, this is Reality TV, not Vietnam War footage filmed by a War Reporter! The Ginseng Plants that were dug, were probably pre-scouted and arrangements made with the Landowners for compensation. Heck, they (the Landowners) might have been some of the actors doing the chasing and shooting to make more money. The only thing that might be original to the footage is possibly the Pot Plants and if so, the Growers are probably not very happy by now. I was not impressed by the show but it does show the lengths that some Ginseng Poachers will go to to steal other folk's property. Highlighting the prices that Ginseng can bring, is bad for all of us but to me this was totally bogus (I mean come on, who pays $550 a pound or even $300 a pound for green Ginseng early or late in the season!!??

). However, it may also cause the deaths of many Poachers and possible some property owners as complacent property owners realize that their' Ginseng and property is a risk and take up arms or other means to defend both. The History Channel should pull the show now before it's effects gets someone killed.
Last and not the least, I think the footage of the Ginseng Buyers/Dealers may put a bad light on and bad taste in everyone's mouths about Buyers/Dealers. This is especially so for those that poach on another Buyer's/Dealer's location and their' customers. I have seen this before when I lived in West Virginia and it sours everyone!