Hello all, it's been a while since I've been on the site. Congrats to all, there are some very nice deer there!
Unfortunately for me I took a nasty fall while climbing with a climber in Illinois. I was nocked unconsious so I'm not certain on the whole deal, but the bottom fell out from under me when I was up to about 12-15'. To make a long story short, I broke 4 ribs, 2 vertebrae, severely bruised and lacerated my liver and one lung, got a pnemothorax, and even ended up with pneumonia to boot!!
Bottom line I was sick and tired and shouldn't have been out there, but more importantly did not use my safety strap all the way up. I was going to strap in when I got to the top.
Starting to get better now but have a long way to go. Oh I did get this nice doe before the fall!!
Don't forget to use those safety straps all the way up! Broken ribs and backs don't feel to good! My liver is not expected to fully recover for about 6-9 months!