Chieftain - Thanks yea that was a good day,anytime I dig a pound or more im realy happy for that.
5 - I usaly do take a pic of all good digs,but I walked 10 hours yesterday in the hard woods during a hard rain,I was soked to the under drors,lol and man it was clothes off,sheets back and bed,the boys had already washed and stacked,but over on my post I was out of the woods by 2.30 today and had even a better dig,the picks are posted on tonights photos.
Chieftain - Great dig again and them are some very nice looking old timers there for sure way to go man,hope you can get another week in anyway,maybe it want rain to hard to soon out there g/l
Let me know about them prices we are exspecting another raise here tomorrow morning,pushing the 400 befor long looks like I will let you know.