There are 20 licensed buyers of Ginseng in Indiana, 19 are in Indiana and 1 is in Calif.
The complete list can be veiwed at the following link
You'll find on it the 2nd person in Bloomington is
Phillip & Judy Fulton
Bloomington, IN
Mike Bell in Connersville is known for fair prices he's probably 1-2 hours from you and if your getting $25.00 or more per pound it should be well worth your drive if you have any quantity.
Myself I call the majority of the list for that very reason, haven't called any for several weeks at least as I know the Chinese have not stepped into the market yet and without knowing what the Chinese want and are willing to pay the dealers are having to set on what they purchased and many are running out of funds which is most likely why Duncan may be considering not buying more for awhile.
Myself I don't plan on checking with the dealers until mid-Nov. when I've been advised many of the Chinese buyers are planning on getting in touch with the dealers.