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TOPIC: Indiana Prices

Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15124

I've been checking around the last couple of weeks, and the situation is not pretty for the diggers here in South Central Indiana. Duncan's is at $400, and rumor has it he is kicking around the idea of not buying anymore ginseng. I've not sold any to him this year, but I have also heard from people who have sold that he is getting much more particular about the quality of roots being brought in. I'm going to roll the dice and play the waiting game a little longer.

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15127

This fella Duncan the only game in town?

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15128

Duncan is who I have dealt with for years. Unless I want to make a serious road trip, then he's the man around here. Last year, I did hear a couple of diggers mention there was another buyer in Bloomington, but when I asked his name and number they couldn't remember. I guess the ole' boy is like Bigfoot. We've heard about him, but there's no evidence to prove he exists. Maybe someone on here will throw his name out at some point.

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15129

There are 20 licensed buyers of Ginseng in Indiana, 19 are in Indiana and 1 is in Calif.
The complete list can be veiwed at the following link

You'll find on it the 2nd person in Bloomington is
Phillip & Judy Fulton
Bloomington, IN
Mike Bell in Connersville is known for fair prices he's probably 1-2 hours from you and if your getting $25.00 or more per pound it should be well worth your drive if you have any quantity.
Myself I call the majority of the list for that very reason, haven't called any for several weeks at least as I know the Chinese have not stepped into the market yet and without knowing what the Chinese want and are willing to pay the dealers are having to set on what they purchased and many are running out of funds which is most likely why Duncan may be considering not buying more for awhile.
Myself I don't plan on checking with the dealers until mid-Nov. when I've been advised many of the Chinese buyers are planning on getting in touch with the dealers.

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15130

Well lets see if I can post the 2 page dealers list

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15132

jacquo, havnt seen you on here in a while, good to hear from you.

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15135

GMCPaul, Thank you for the info. I'll certainly check things out with the folks you mentioned.

Lenno, I've been checking in on the forum for a little while now, but today was the first time I got around to posting anything. I got a new job a few months ago, and I've been a little overwhelmed lately. I've just now gotten to the point where things are slowing down a little for me. Thanks for the welcome back!

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15153

Fulton has always treated me and my digger buddy well. Didn't Duncan get in some heat several years ago with the DNR?

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15157

I heard about Duncan getting in some hot water with the DNR at one time, but I don't know the exact details. I lived in Evansville for a few years, and I think it happened during that time. You know how second hand information goes, but the rumor I heard was that he was buying dry ginseng on Sept. 1.

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Re:Indiana Prices 13 years 3 months ago #15194

That sounds right. I read a story online in a local newspaper about it. Either buying dry way early or out of season. Anyway Phillip Fulton is who we have always sold to in the recent few years in Btown.
Finding good roots around here is a real walk sometimes and I tend to be a lot more patient about how much and who I sell it too. Big roots tend to be rare birds around my area.

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