Thanks Hugh. I cannot even be closely compared to Hillhopper though. He really takes this seng planting to some serious levels. This one patch I spoke of is the only one of any size, and other than the fenced off test beds and the seed production bed, I am just planting like TNhunter has reverted to. Maybe a little thicker. The threat of disease is what has caused me to change plans as I had intended to fill the woods with seng but have since calmed down that thought. Especially after catching poachers to add to the drama. I have to add another camera this year to cover this area now. Wasn't worried about it with seedlings, but them two-prongers will stand out. I suspected the whole woods to do pretty good as all the other companions are throughout, except one strip down the center of the woods below the spring, (which I dammed to make a watering hole) which is the lowest in the concave and it looks to be too wet for seng but good for seal. The large area I planted was already clear from having cattle in there a few years back, so I just took advantage of that and went seed-planting-crazy! It is the highest elevation of my woods just near the large field. I think disease will be less with the heavier breeze up there but still get nervous when thinking about disease. What I plan to do next year is dig more than half out of there to transplant when they start to yellow in fall. There is a descent amount of light that gets in as well and I am going to take the big risk and hope and pray they make it through next summer so I can do so, as I am very anti-chemical and won't be spraying. Heck, I swat spiders in my house because I just refuse to use chemicals.