2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: So... how do you really feel... about crop theft?

So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26793

We have this unique crop, that is subject to theft... and I know this has been gone over before, however might be nice to have a new look at it.

Maybe this would also be something a prospective association might be able to have a stance about?

A part of last year Ginseng Symposium here in NC was a discussion from the law enforcement guys. We had a county sheriff [The actual Sherrif, not a Deputy] and a higher-higher guy -can't remember if he was an attorney or not- from the state capitol to talk about the law's enforcement.

The prevailing attitiude was that we [grower's, that is] had to catch 'em red-handed [root-handed???] in either video/photo/or in person. There had to be actual evidence in order for Law Enforcement types to proceed. Those presenters stated that they would proceed with a prosecution to the fullest extent of the law if this was in place.

I think that we don't want to end up like that old guy that recently made the news, and kill and bury someone that steals from us. I know that I am ready to defend hearth and family with as muce force as needed. However what to do if I catch someone \"root-handed?\"

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26795

In order to catch someone with photo evidence, cameras ready to get them gotta be there.

I was thinking that getting many game camera cases in place, with a few real-deal cameras dispersed in among them would be a good idea. Having a lot of game cameras could get cost prohibitive.

Monitoring the area is the other good option, however a lot of hunters only hunt in the fall, and hunters only need to scout an area just so much. Not really a great comprehensive coverage, there.

Liveing on site is a bit impractical, unless it's all on your own land, and your house is there anyway. For those of us that do not live on our patch locations... this is another low-yield solution.
It's worth thinking about.

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26796

Paging KYJabber, would like your point of view on this as an Official. What does the State of Kentucky suggust, as an effective counter-measure against thieves?

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26798

Cameras are good.
Also I try not to put all my eggs in one basket. I have multiple spots planted throughout Ohio. I have not been hit yet but I am prepared for 1 or more spots to get hit someday. At least they won't get it all if it does happen.

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26799

One other thing that our NC Law Enforcement presenters said: they did not recommend that we hold the thief ourselves until Law enforcement arrives on-scene.

They said we couldn't shoot 'em! [dang-it!} JK-LOL. anyway, shooting them isn't a good option....

Not to mention that holding a theif against their will is fraught with other hazards... like some sort of counter-suit or worse-- if the thief came back with a some sort of violent reaction.

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26801

\"Laws\" Aggravating aren't they? I guess we are suppose to let a thief walk away with our root while we go crying to the police to fix the problem and they hide any evidence.
To deter anything, the risk has to not be worth the reward.I wouldn't shoot some one in my ginseng but I would have to go ahead and belly up for an assault charge if they wanted to go that route. Then probably would get another after I found out they were ballzy enough to charge me the first time. One of us would eventually give and it would make a very clear statement to any others. I don't really like to think about it to be honest, I know it wouldn't turn out good. It would be about the same as if I could get my hands around one of them stinking little voles. If it ever happens,I hope it's a camera that does the catching and not me.

Dangit Whitjr, you sure know how to start a topic and get me worked up


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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 3 weeks ago #26802

Think of it this way, in states like Ohio you can't shoot someone you catch in your house stealing your TV if he (or she) is walking out the door with it. Breaking in the first time might be different if your state has the Castle Doctrine in effect. Catching them in your ginseng patch is really the same thing. You just can't (and shouldn't want to in reality) shoot someone over property. Self-defense is a completely different story.

Trail cameras are good. Very small concealed cameras are better. Cameras placed to catch movement of deer or people are good. Placing them so high you need a 24 foot extension ladder is better...and hiding them in stuff around on the ground is often better yet.

Remember, I'm not an attorney...just a cop who grows ginseng. ;)

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 2 weeks ago #26819

I can't stand a thief... period. I would treat them just the same as if they had stolen one of my cattle, helped themselves to my sweet corn patch or drove off with a load of my square bales. That's money out of my pocket.

I'm not sure if one could get insurance on a ginseng crop but, I'm fairly sure that tree \"farmers\" or orchards can get it so it may be possible. It wouldn't be cost effective for a small scale operation thou.

Game cameras do work good and the Bushnell cameras that I have only have to have new batteries once a year. However, I some times go months without checking them. They would also have to be placed where stealing them would be a hassle. Here's something that I'm going to try but, it's to keep the hogs from rooting up my plants. I have a bunch of old scrap chain link and I'm going to lay it in my patches and let the vines and roots \"anchor\" them to the ground. I also plant to put \"layers\" ontop of it as the old starts to deteriorate and the sang growing through it becomes more valueable. The diggers will have to bring bolt cutters with them in order to dig it and my thinking is that the more trips it takes them to get to it the more chances there are to get them caught.

Screening trees would be a good idea for anyone that has a patch visiable from a road. Fencing is good but, to properly fence my property with fencing that would deter tresspassors would cost a fortune.

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 2 weeks ago #26820

Hunter, I think your idea for the use of your old chain-link fence is a great one. Bet you could get plenty from a salvage company too possibly. That sure would stop the wild hogs and possibly some darn poachers if the chain-link was anchored.
I planted 1 lb of seed last month and after I covered it back over with leaves. Then I threw every stick and branch I could find right on top of the bed. Hopefully the brush pile will help keep the deer away from the little plants when they come up. Perhaps the brush pile can hide them from poachers when they mature.

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Re:So... how do you really feel... about crop theft? 11 years 2 weeks ago #26821

Something else that I thought of... Black Berry briars. The single best patch of sang that I've every found was growing in Black Berry briars 6 feet tall. It wasn't in a \"sangy\" looking location and I was scouting for bear sign and was looking at where the bears had made trails in the briars back in the summer and found the sang. Maybe some natural \"thorny\" barriers would help deter some poaching.

Most (but not all) poachers or theives are lazy and if you make it as hard as you can to get at your stuff it will keep...... some........ out.

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