Follow up report:
Fellows, I decided to go fishing on the South Holston River this morning because I had watered all of my wood lots and everything seemed to be taken care of on my end. I knew that it stormed at the house some last night , but when I arrived on the South Holston River I began looking at some plantings close by and the effects of the drought and then the storm last night was something to behold. First of all the drought had gotten so bad that the trees looked like Fall in October. They were turning red, yellow and orange from drought stress. As I drove farther up the river I began to notice trees, limbs, and leaves all over the highway. It looked like a tornado had come through!
The farther I went, the worse it got. I could barely get through in some places and there were crews working every where. The weather had apparently dropped the barometric pressure a lot and I did not even get a strike, so I decided to come back toward some areas farther south and check some more plantings. I was in a section very close to the N.C. line and again, there was a lot of damage. When I got close to the section where my plantings were the hills turned green and everything looked great. I could not believe the difference. Somehow, they had gotten some rains and everything was green and growing. YaaHoo!

I don't know how that happened but I took pictures and as soon as I get my good computer back, I'll post them. Suffice it to say: I am a happy man.