We are not allowed to ship out of Ontario, according to SARA or COSEWIC or CITIES can't recall what one, off the top of my mellon right now, it's slow tonight. We have had alot to do with trying to have logical ruling applied but dispite everyone involved understanding the retardedness of the rules they allow some provincially appointed wanker with a college degree he got at age eight and endured years of being beaten up by the other kids, over rule them if he FEELS like it. With no good flippin reason, except that he can, and then in the next provincial election if a new party wins some new pimple is appointed the position of doing nothing the same as all the other wankers. It is because they are afraid to stand up on their own two feet and do the job of the provincial scientific expert ethically. If someone in politics is seen doing their job then immediatly the others jump on them so that everyone can do nothing till they get voted out and then get full pensions.
It is hard to get feedback,I think we sold to someone in TN once and they reported maybe 25%,but told me all their mulch blew off during the winter and maybe they should not have broadcast the seeds on top of this hill.I think as long as the ground freezes during winter and our seed is half an inch to one inch under the soil then you will get 80% with some more the next season.
People that have issues with their seeds should first make sure they did thing correct if they are new at it. Plant at least a half inch deep in soil, then add afew inches of mulch for tempature and moisture control.
Second dig around where you planted and find some seeds, check them out, is the root there, is the seed empty, is the seed still white inside or are they gone.
Often we have seen the seed come up in mid. June and be eaten by deer, turkey, rabbits grouse and the list goes on. It's flippin spring every animal is hungry.If you dig around you will see the root still there and next year most of them will be back. Seed shells that are all crunched, got eaten by rodents or birds, chipmunks love the stuff.
Investigate, it's the only way to be certain of the problems we encounter as farmers.
My concern for that far down south would be them drying out so good mulching would be needed.