Well Guys,
I started planting seeds today. We had a steady rain last night, 73 degrees and it was a little humid by Maine standards. The mosquitoes were bad. We had temps in the low to mid 60's and the mosquitoes were gone. But they are back!!!
Hard to imagine that the ground could start freezing in four to six weeks.
I figure the kids and I planted about 1 3/4 lbs of seeds today, the old fashion way. It felt good to get out and build up a sweat doing the thing I love doing every year. Planting Seeds!!! Yah Hoo!
Everything was wet out there after the rain, so we were a little soaked.
Here is a pic that I posted this last spring. It's of a seed that had just pushed out it's root. I did'nt measure the embryo, but I figure it was about 4-5mm long at the time of germination. I colored the embryo with a black marker so you could see the size of it.
Any way, I think that an embryo that is 2-3mm long at time of fall planting will grow over the winter and be large enough to germinate next spring.
Good Luck Planting!