EDinOH and others
I received 3 lbs of seeds yesterday. When I looked at the bags of seeds it seemed like there were more seeds then what I ordered. I had tree bags that should be 1 lb each. I weighed them on a digetal scale and they each had 21 oz in them, not 16 oz. I called my seed supplier that I have bought seeds from for the past eight years. They told me that they sent a bonus, since I buy seeds from them every year. Praise The Lord! I received about 6000 seeds free!
I cracked open about thirty seeds. Most of the embryo's were about 2-3.5 mm long. There were a few that measured 1-2 mm long. And one had an embryo that was a dark brown color. Did not find any disease in the ones I cracked open (unless the dark one is diseased). I'm happy with what my seeds look like.
From Ontario Ginseng Growers Manual:
\"One way to check whether seeds are developing well is to measure the embryo. Split the seed along the suture line. The embryo is in a sack at the micropyle end of the seed (the pore end). A well-developed embryo at the time of planting should be about 2-3 mm long. The embryo will grow over the winter and will be about 5mm at the time of germination. If the embryo is less than 2mm in length it may not germinate next spring but the spring after, if diseases have not broken it down by then.\"
I did find out that if you split the seed a lttle off center, it won't show the embryo. Also I found that by letting the seeds sit for about an hour, the embryo shows up better in the photos.
The pics below show the seeds with the seeds turned so that the embryo is at the bottom of each seed.