Nice varietty of roots.
I see that some of the roots have what is called \"Rusty Root\". That's the rusty looking spots on some of your roots.
Rusty spots will affect the market value, but it may clear up by the time you harvest the root.
This is what Persons book says about it. pg 118
\"The rust, by the way, is the root's way of fighting infection or adverse conditions. The rusty area ia actually a \"corking over\" that prevents further tissue destruction.\"
There is no treatment for rusty root. It's not something that would spread from root to root. So I would'nt worry too much about it.
I would agree with Latt on how to plant the roots except for the planting depth. All the literature I have on planting rootlets, suggest 1\"-2\" deep. The care instuctions I have from Hardings and Paul Hsu, suggests 1\"-1.5\" deep. And actually the depth of the root is not such a concern as the depth of the \"terminal bud\" depth. The root could lay deeper, but the actual bud is what should be 1\"-1.5\" deep in the soil. Also if your soil is still Very Wet from your recent snow, I would not water them in. Just make sure the soil is packed well around the roots.
And I would add. Keep your root laying with the bud all in the same direction. This will keep the roots from growing into each other and competing for moisture and nutrients. Also the buds should be pointed up hill, not down hill.
Look like you have alot of work ahead of you.