2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@!

oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25984

  • bellco ky
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Just went by a dealer's place too ser if anybody was still selling. And said he wad taking to some forestry man or conservation officer. And said that he thinks ky ,is going to be shut down next five years . Any one else hear this. :(

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25988

If they did that in KY, then they would have to do the same or similar amount of years in all of the other States where Wild Ginseng is harvested and sold. I doubt that the Chinese would stand for this and they would get the DT's after a year or more without our' quality Panax quinquefolius (Wild North American Ginseng)!:P

Now, if they closed harvesting and selling too early and a bunch of us still had a lot of roots stored or drying, just imagine what it will be worth 5 years from now!:cheer:


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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25991

  • bellco ky
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huntsman53 wrote:

If they did that in KY, then they would have to do the same or similar amount of years in all of the other States where Wild Ginseng is harvested and sold. I doubt that the Chinese would stand for this and they would get the DT's after a year or more without our' quality Panax quinquefolius (Wild North American Ginseng)!:P

Now, if they closed harvesting and selling too early and a bunch of us still had a lot of roots stored or drying, just imagine what it will be worth 5 years from now!:cheer:


I hope your right Frank. I know it would help ,where people dig small sein . Would it be wrong of me to report a couple that dig three leaves. And a couple guys that don't I repeat don't, have a dealers license that buy sein from mid June through mid augest. I just think it might stop a lot poachers. Pd I know these guys ,and they won't listen to reason . Itty to preach the importance of eaitin till September. And these guys buy it 5dollars an ounce. All summer. Give me some advice. What would you guys do. [img]

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25992

yeah I know some of those pricks too man the kill it for all of us who wait and try to do right.you know they act concerned about seng but I never see game wardens around until hunting season starts. the need to be looking around inmay and june when these jerks are killing our seng out .I believe they could damn near stop it if they wanted to but like immigration the don't want to someone somewhere is making to much money to stop it.

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25996

I did hear something similar for Va.!!!!

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #25997

bellco ky wrote:

huntsman53 wrote:

If they did that in KY, then they would have to do the same or similar amount of years in all of the other States where Wild Ginseng is harvested and sold. I doubt that the Chinese would stand for this and they would get the DT's after a year or more without our' quality Panax quinquefolius (Wild North American Ginseng)!:P

Now, if they closed harvesting and selling too early and a bunch of us still had a lot of roots stored or drying, just imagine what it will be worth 5 years from now!:cheer:


I hope your right Frank. I know it would help ,where people dig small sein . Would it be wrong of me to report a couple that dig three leaves. And a couple guys that don't I repeat don't, have a dealers license that buy sein from mid June through mid augest. I just think it might stop a lot poachers. Pd I know these guys ,and they won't listen to reason . Itty to preach the importance of eaitin till September. And these guys buy it 5dollars an ounce. All summer. Give me some advice. What would you guys do. [/quote] If you mean that the couple is digging flat tops (i.e. three leaves coming off of a single stem), then yes! You should also report the guys that buy Ginseng out of season and without a license. However, it is probably too late for the authorities to catch them in the act, so next year, if Ginseng harvesting and selling is still allowed, then you need to report them and get them on law enforcements radar so that they can be caught in the act. You might advise law enforcement of their activities now and make sure to follow-up with them in May or June so they don't forget about these guys. Without some folks willing to do the right thing, these outlaws will continue to do what they do and ruin it for all of us! Frank[img]

If you mean that the couple is digging flat tops (i.e. three leaves coming off of a single stem), then yes! You should also report the guys that buy Ginseng out of season and without a license. However, it is probably too late for the authorities to catch them in the act, so next year, if Ginseng harvesting and selling is still allowed, then you need to report them and get them on law enforcements radar so that they can be caught in the act. You might advise law enforcement of their activities now and make sure to follow-up with them in May or June so they don't forget about these guys. Without some folks willing to do the right thing, these outlaws will continue to do what they do and ruin it for all of us!


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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #26000

  • bellco ky
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B) :) Frank I just sent a lengthy email to ky ag. Told them what was going on. Told them I would help any way I could. I would be willing to go and sell it to them for their department. In a sting. Nothing like that happens around here. Maybe couple good poaching bust would deter a lot of Bell co poachers and surrounding areas. It is my favorite past times in season..one digging 3 leaves him and his brother I grew up with. I flat out told them ,when they ask me to take them sein. Why I would not take them. I don't believe in digging young sein. I think I dug two 2 prongs this year both was foot high big ole berry pods ,but I looked at a coil before I dug them ,both going by rings on coil was at least 12-15 years old. Never seen two prong that big. Only reason I dug them. I knew something had happened to top .both weighed oz or lil better. I'm feed up with the crap weasels digging my seed sein ,my kids kids ,and grandkids seed .if I don't (rat) if u want call it that . Then what will other generations dig. I've had enough of the bull shyt. Sorry guys getting myself worked up. I'm done venting. Sorry for the book guys. But I'm pissed . Rumors of shutting down my sein season all because of some inconsiderable greedy butt holes. Enough is enough. :angry:

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #26001

  • bellco ky
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:angry: Yes its flat tops I call em 3 leaves
And by a coil I mean coil where new growth bud is :angry:

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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #26003

I try and teach my son about life, the recognition and enjoyment of simple things, giving more than you take, and among many other things... the importance of sustaining our wild places. I know many here understands that teaching a young man the importance of stewarding Ginseng contains all these things. It's amazing the trials a plant goes through in the wild to reach an old age and it's sole purpose is only to live it's life and reproduce.

My son is twelve now and for years I have told him these places will be there for us if we take care of them, that even when he is an old man and Im gone they will be there because of us and our help and he can still enjoy. With that said, The thoughts of someone coming along and wiping an area clean, completely stealing it's ability to exist in spite of good efforts from other people, BURNS ME UP. Whether it's clear cutting, strip mining or completely removing a native species..... it is nothing short of disrespect and rape of God's creation.

Friend,turn them in and do everyone that respects our wilderness a favor.


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Re:oh no what do what to do!!!@!!@! 11 years 3 months ago #26011

Yea I agree turn there a** in that's ridiculous I had a guy get permission to go seng a peice of property I had dug at the begging of the year I just happend to hear that the guy has got permission to go up there happend to go over there when he was coming out at had left a bunch of plants from 1 to 5 years old left several five six year old three prongs to keep reproducing I ask if he dug any seng man looked at me said yea I dug all that lil stuff u didn't dig they said u had done dug it So I figured make it worth my while dig all that ill stuff get me a few ounces talk about something that'll get ya fired up I was furious went up to see what he had dug lil plants laying every where with no roots he dug anything he found hardly left a plant so yea if I could fry somebody I'd defly do it I don't even see how a dealer can buy roots that small

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