Here are a few pictures that might help you to visualize what I call 'good quality ginseng.'
This first one is of pencils, sticks, whatever you want to call them. No matter what you call them, they aren't moving at all right now and are not worth more than about $180-200/lb. Mixing them into a better lot will only bring the lot down...not make them worth more.
This next picture is of hard, dense boney root. Notice the scaley skin with few if any wrinkles. In proper light, they have a grey/greenish cast to them. Drop them on a table from an inch up and they sound like you dropped a rock. They are much heavier (like lead) as compared to corkey (like balsa wood) root which is much more desirable. Boney root has little if any value in this current market.
Next is damaged roots. A root might be 30 years old, perfect in shape, color and texture and very large, but if it is is damaged. Damaged root is worth only 1/3 of the going high price. Notice the screwdriver marks on some of these from digging. The ones on the right were scrubbed, or otherwise not handled well and the skin was rubbed or otherwise taken off. This puts them in the damaged category. Never use a brush on ginseng. In the current market, root that isn't washed properly (too clean -washed out very light appearance- or too dirty) is considered damaged root also and worth only 1/3 of high prices.
This last picture is of a nice collection. Few if any pencils, boney or damaged roots. Washed and handled correctly and carefully. Short and bulby, rather than long. Good dark skin color (which you can see if you have the dirt washed off properly -it gets too light if you wash it too much) which is desirable. Good wild character overall. Not too much fiber, good shape, and well ringed. The size is a little on the small side, but even in the current market I would be paying very close to top price on this lot. If there were some larger roots in this lot (5-6% or more) I'd pay absolute top price, and if the majority of them were very large (still not boney and very good wild character) I'd pay a bonus over top price.
I hope that helps.
If you would, maybe you can post some pictures of your ginseng and let some of us give some opinions of it.