Hello everyone, I?m a genseng farmer in Changbai mountain from China, my family has been planted ginseng for more than 40 years, and we also can provide the wild genseng. I can guarantee the quality of all the genseng for my family has more than 1000 zhang ginseng filed (1 zhang equals to 3 1/3 meters, it?s the local measurement for genseng). My grandma in law now is still searching the wild genseng in Changbai Mountain every year. So you shouldn?t worry about the quality. My home town is Fusong Town which provide 70% of genseng all over the world and named as Home of Genseng.
I?m eager to make foreign friends, I can answer you all the questions about genseng, and can provide all kinds of ginseng. if you have interests, pls contact me by MAN:
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