So whats up have a few of you posters just decided this boards for you and no one else as it appears to be bash everyone else that doesn't tow down to your ruling this board?? Used to be I could come in and learn a few things here, or there but anymore I just seem to be learning what grade school was like again. Oh whisper whisper were in the know and all others be D...... Don't talk to joey he's got ginseng that wasn't approved by us and we as everyone knows are perfect and being perfect we dont need to sully ourselves with this lower class we haven't admitted to our group.
Share your knowledge if you know how to still and quit bashing everyone that even remotely questions things and leave the know it all condescending attitude for the grade school kids.
I'm surprised the site's owner & its moderators continue to let those that visit the board get bashed by some folks childish actions that do nothing to further the members here other than to put them down and drive away any thinking of staying and contributing to the board, but I guess its the entertainment value that rules. I'm sure those doing the bashing know who they are and I'm rather sure they weren't put down and bashed to learn what they do know about ginseng. You make those that taught you to Ginseng so Proud I'm sure.
Ok kids I'm done posting on this subject so let the mud fly I've got my mud clothes on and big boy britches hitched up as kids we all know this post was for entertainment value only.