2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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Always comply with your State Ginseng Rules and Regulations when selling and buying wild ginseng roots.


DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32416

Do not sell your sang do get scared thinking the price is gonna keep dropping. They are trying to manipulate the market make it sound like the demand is dropping and they can't pay any higher.. If people give in and sell at these drops they will drop further.. Hold it and they don't see that much is coming in makes it worth more. They don't know how much we have they only know what's been sold so far. Lot of dealers saying most root that's coming in is below average sang. They think people are holding there prime root. Maybe maybe not. I'm just saying the more people give in to getting scared and giving into lower prices we won't see those higher prices...... DONT SELL!!!!

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32417

And one more thought I've heard couple different reasons bout hong Kong in a crisis communism? So that should make us not buy at Walmart its China owned and we are in a ressesion and we now have more foreign things brought into the country than what's made in the USA. Them saying they can't buy ginseng is like us saying we can't go to Walmart. Same thing to me we use Walmart for all our needs they use ginseng for hundreds of things. What they just gonna stop after hundreds of yrs. Stop ginseng hunting see where the prices go. Straight up!!

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32418

I was thinking the same damn thing. These dealers are acting funny around here. Im holding these 3 dry pounds of prime root till after thanksgiving like I do every year. Last year I did and made $1250 a pound. Your view and point is very acceptable and firmly believed!! Thanks!

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32423

I will hold mine till the end of Nov. as I always do. Now as far as the price here in Illinois last week was 640 dry this week it is 650 dry. Up not down. He said just wait things will break loose.

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32429

I was told the market was flooded, I called a guy in Maryland who I s a dealer in several different states I was told the market was not flooded that the dealers are just trying to get it cheaper. This guy has been in business for 30 years. Not saying it is 100% true just saying that's what he said.

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32432

maybe they are waiting for things to calm down in hong kong, according to the papers the city is about shut down???

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32443

geezman46 wrote:

maybe they are waiting for things to calm down in hong kong, according to the papers the city is about shut down???

Probably has a lot to do with it and waiting on major China buyer to open his purse strings.

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32457

There were a lot of issues in the ginseng market before the current issues in Hong Kong. However, it seems that was the match that lit the fuse. My understanding is that there is a lot of inventory still left over from last year at those historically high prices. There are issues with the Chinese economy. There are continuing changes to the methods of import/export into and out of China. Hong Kong was the major portal to bring ginseng into China.

With unrest in Hong Kong, would you be willing to send several hundred thousand dollars worth of product not knowing for certain it would get it where it needed to go? Backing up one more step, would you be willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy that product at a very high price when you still have inventory you bought last year at a historically high price?

Remember folks, perspective is everything. It seems to me as a society we have stopped caring about the perspective of others. With this goes the true American spirit in my opinion. We used to care about one another and listen to each others opinions and perspectives to learn, not to discredit or prop up our favorite opinion.

While I'm on my soap box, can someone please tell me why when a digger storms out my door with his Walmart bag of small, broken up pencil roots and tells me he will take them home and burn them rather than to take what I offer (if I offer anything at all) that he sees this as an ultimate insult to me? Just yesterday I had a guy bring me about 2 lbs in a big Walmart bag. Most of the weight was a dozen very large green/scaley bony roots, which I set aside at no value. Then, I picked through the busted up pencils to find maybe a half pound of very small, but pretty descent roots. I made him an offer based on current market prices and told him the rest would be at about a 1/3 of that price. Folks, that was money in his pocket. But of course, he bagged it back up and told me he would just throw it away before taking my offer. I wonder how he missed that I was overly relieved that I did not have to try and move that nasty stuff!

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32459

The very large roots... How can they have no value? I'm assuming they were wild ginseng. If not broke up cut up and was above 5 yr old why would it have no value

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Re:DO NOT SELL ITS A TRICK!!!!!!! 10 years 5 months ago #32460

Well they weren't handled well at all and were broken up. But, lets say they were in perfect shape, but green/scaley and boney.

If you take a normal, mostly corky ginseng root of descent size and drop it onto a table from about an inch high, the sound is a dull one. However, if you drop a boney root from the same height, it will sound like you dropped a rock with a sharp sound. I'm not completely clear on why they don't like them that way, but have been told they cannot slice the root if they are boney. What I know for certain is that NONE of my buyers want boney roots. None of them. So for me, in this market, those big scaley looking boney roots with no rings and a green/grey cast have no value as I don't want them mucking up my collection when I try to sell them.

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