My dealer here in Ky is at 304 dry and 6 per ounce wet......
48 ounces wet makes a pound dry,so by adding it up
3 lb wet = $288:00
1 lb dry = $304:00
- 288
= 16
I would be making 16 dollors more per pound dry,but thats only $ 5:33 per wet pound to dry it.
So the way I see it is like this.If I was just digging because I needed the extra money
I would sell it wet simply because it isent worth fooling with drying it etc for only 5:33
more per pound,but I am not just digging for extra money.I like to save mine till everything is
dry,then sell it and use the money for Christmas.Me and the wife had 5 kids and my 1st Grand Daugther
has been born,so it is nice to not scrounge for a good Christmas every year
Also if by any chance the price does decide to go up to say $425 a pound then I win alot because
I didnt sell while it was at 288 for 3 pound wet & instead 3 pound for 304 a pound i waited and
by waiting i end up making $425 I had this work 2wice already.
1 year it went to 900 a pound dry they where giving
160 a pound wet before the price jumped so high and it was at 525 a pound dry,i still held mine and 5
weeks later got $900 a pound.
I dont think you can loose by saving your seng till it all drys if you can afford to,but if not at least its not as it used to be wet seng is selling alot better than 5 years ago.
Any way thats my opinion..