Yeah, im almost sure that ginseng will probably set new record highs this year, all of the poachers sold early, didn't get their usual supply due to the extreme weather conditions in most parts of the country. Tn and Ky who usually lead the country in poundage will turn in low numbers, this in turn will throw up a red flag to the DNR and they will ask the Division of Scientific Athourity to do a study and they in Their infinate Wisdom google their own previous studies and other outdated ramblings that have been posted on line and will conclude that ginseng must be shrinking in average size much like fish in a overstocked pond and they will once again raise the age of ginseng to 10yr old minimum 9bud scars, this will trigger many meetings and conferences and laws and bills will be introduced to ban all wild ginseng harvesting, then BCastle will ask them to define what is wild and what is woodsgrown and what is wild simulated and then more studies and googling and ect...ect...the visious cycle never ends......

j/k brad...