Hey guys i have just started dealing ginseng a little bit. I do have some connections and we are just getting started. So for the last two years my orders have been small but i have looked out for the digger. I am not taking up for the dealers but maybe the ones thatare paying less may not be getting paid as much as the next. I don't know. But i do know this this year what seng i did buy i gave two hundred per green pound and i still made good money and as far as i know it was more than anyone was giving at that time and for the area. And trust me i could have paid less and made a whole lot more but i got some really good customers, so that when i do start buying full time they will be with me for a long time.
now don't get me wrong i know they are the dealers out their that do take advantage of the diggers and i think it is a shame. That was one of the reasons i became one for myself, so that i may be able to help the digger. Because i am one myself.