2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: How long will seeds last?

How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8926


I am going to order seeds, about how long will they last without putting them in the refridgerator? Basically what I am asking is how long do I have to plant them from the time I get the shipment?

Thanks guys!

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Re:How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8932

alarson, if you order seed you need to put them in the frig until you plant period. I would try to get them planted ASAP but you have a couple of weeks or so. If the seeds are sprouting with little white tails, then the sooner the better. Make sure you handle the seeds with care if your seeds are sprouting. Go to TNhunters post called \"Rake and Scatter\" method and watch it before you plant. It is very important to get some soil on top of the seeds this time of the year before you rake the leaves back on top of the planting bed. Just as importantly you need to walk the beds and compress the soil once the soil is raked on top the seeds. Some walk the beds prior to raking the leaves back on and some wait until the leaves are raked back on the beds before they walk them after planting. If your seeds are sprouting and you cover them with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil before you walk the beds it will not damage the tails coming out of the seeds. Many seeds this time of the year are beginning to sprout or as some call it \"tailing\". So that is why I am talking so much about it.
Good luck,

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Re:How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8934


Here is a link to photo of Seeds with tail starting to grow out.



If your seeds look like this, you need to be very carefull not to break that little root off at this stage. If you do, the seedling will more than likely die.


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Re:How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8935


Here is a note out of Scott Persons Ginseng Manual:

\"When to Plant
Traditionally, ginseng is planted in September, October, and early November. Some growers prefer to plant as late as possible in the fall, so that the first snowfall quickly protects their seeds from critters. Actually, as long as the ground is not frozen, seeds can be planted at any time. Spring planting in late February and early March is an option in the south, where the ground thaws early; but, once the weather starts to warm up, seeds quickly begin to sprout. (If anything, refrigeration only accelerates germination.) Thus, Spring planting is possible within only a small window of time. For that reason, growers generally do most of their seeding in the autumn.\"

I would say that if your going to plant this spring, you better act quickly. Because planting seeds that have already sprouted is a very delicate operation without breaking off the little tail root sticking out.

Good Luck!


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Re:How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8937

The refrigerator mimics the winter temperatures. If it were me, I would keep my seed in the frig this time of the year until I plant. Warmer household temps will only mimic spring temps and trigger seed germination quicker in my opinion if the seeds are stored somewhere other than in the frig. However seeds will still germinate in the frig thou. I just planted 4 oz yesterday. These were the last of the seeds that I had left over and I have had them in the frig for over a couple of months. 50 % of them were \"Tailing\". However I am not an expert and Scott Persons certainly is, so I hate to disagree with him and I truly mean that. So I think we can all agree if you order seeds you need to get them planted ASAP once they are received.

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Re:How long will seeds last? 13 years 10 months ago #8944

Thanks for the input!

I guess I will wait till the fall, so I am not so rushed, this will give me time to prepare my beds and learn more about things!

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