2025 Spring Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like

What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8198

I had bought an additional 10 lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed two weeks ago and had just received it last Thursday. This is the latest I have ever purchased seed. It is best to buy in the fall to get the best seed. However this seed is much better than I had hoped for. I am convinced by the seed traits it is Woods Simulated or Woods Cultivated seed and not Shade Grown Field Cultivated. The supplier told me it was Woods Cultivated and the mixed Size, Shape and Mixed Colors all support that. As you can see in the pics some of the seed is starting to crack or \"Grin\" and these seeds will be going in the ground as soon as the next opportunity arises. I just need a couple of days with no snow on the ground and the temps to be in the high 30's or low 40's. Then these are going to get planted. I do not like to plant in the spring because the seed embryo's starts to come out of the seed like a little tail and if that is knocked off while planting the seed is dead. And even thou I have these seeds in the refrigerator they will definitely have the embryo's developing soon and by March they will all have the little tails sticking out a 1/4 inch or more.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8199

Notice the cracks in the hulls which shows the seed is viable and will sprout. The seeds are various sizes as well. Field cultivated seed is typically one size and larger than Wild Simulated or Woods Cultivated like these seeds in the pictures. I am not knocking the other seed. However I was glad this seed had the characteristics that it did.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8200

My cell camera is not as good as my old one. So I apologize for the poor quality of these pics. I hope they show up OK on here thou.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8205

That looks nice Latt, but FYI one of the worst thing you can do is lay that seed out and let them get warm at all and dry out in the least. You need to keep them cool and slightly moist. Resist the temptation to lay them out and look them over. Good luck!

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8206

Yea I agree. I had put them in cold water when I received them with a 5% bleach to water solution for 5 minutes and then rinsed them off with cold water. Rolled them in a towel to get them to the moisture level I wanted, then off to the refrigerator in a tupperware container.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8207


Hopefully your not waiting for spring to plant.

Here's some things I found on storing seeds for an extended time.

\"Extended storage (up to 3 months) of ginseng seeds in your refrigerator is a risky practice. The constant opening and closing of the refrigerator door can alter the temperature inside by as much as 8 degrees, thus mimicking the springtime temperature changes that trigger germination. Don?t be surprised if when you check on your seeds, you find a bag full of sprouts.

It is best to allow your seed supplier to care for the seeds until you are ready to plant. A stratification pit maintains a near constant temperature and moisture level in order to preserve the seed during the dormancy period.\"

A second article from the state of KY:

\"When to Plant - Ginseng is usually planted in the fall from October until freezing weather
prevents further planting. Early spring (February/March) planting is also possible but
must be done before the seed starts to germinate. In northern areas where the ground is
frozen or cold and wet until April try to avoid spring planting. Handling seed that has
already begun to sprout often damages the young plant. Holding ginseng seed in a
refrigerator may delay germination for an entire year. I had some that never came up
whereas seed planted immediately did?\"

Picture of early sprouting seeds.


Hope you can get them planted soon.


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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8208

Thanks for the info. Fortunately we have a second frig downstairs where I keep my ginseng seeds and we only open the door a couple times a week . It is really risky for sure. I may be in trouble with this 10 lbs of seed. The ground in blanketed with a foot of snow and I hope it melts sometime soon and hopefully we get a high 30 to low 40 degree weekend sometime soon so I can plant them. Not many days like that around here this time of the year but I will keep my fingers crossed.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8209

I meant to ask you about the \"Plant Helper\". I know the Mycorrhizal fungi makes the roots grow bigger and healthier but does it make the roots look different or less like wild simulated. I was thinking about getting some of the \"Plant Helper\" and inoculating my seeds with it.

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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 3 months ago #8210


I don't know what effect Plant Helper will have on the appearance of the roots. My thought is that it will not change the quality of the roots as long as you grow in untilled soil. It will make the roots grow better and possibly larger. Not like adding fertilzer that will just cause the root to grow too quick and give the root a cultivated look.

I will be testing it on some of my plants(1-5 yr olds) and document it with photos of the roots at the end of each growing season and compare with untreated roots.

I have not used the Plant Helper as a seed treatment, but I know that they do suggest it for that. As far as how much to use, I would recommend contacting Kelly from Ampac. She has been very helpfull with answering my questions.

Here is her email: kelmcwalk@dishmail.net

Good luck!


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Re:What 10lbs of Stratified Ginseng Seed Looks Like 14 years 2 months ago #8339

I've stored many pounds of seed over the winter and without fail they always germinate prematurely because the fridge temp is not low enough. The best results I've had is by keeping them in a barn or garage in a cooler or unplugged refrigerator. The temps are low enough where they are perfectly smiling in the early spring, very few tails popping.

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