I agree with TNhunter that you would probably have less \"Replant\" problems with wild simulated than you would with woods cultivated.
From Persons ginseng book:
\"When ginseng is replanted on the same site after a first crop has been raised to maturity and harvested, sometimes the results are disastrous. Losses of anywhere from 30%-100% are reported. The exact cause of the difficulties is still unknown, but second plantings seem more susceptible to any kind of stress, especially diseases. Sometimes problems do not arise until after the plants are three or four years old and the grower has a great deal of time and effort invested in them.\"
He goes on to say:
\"I have often tried replanting in the same beds, and I have found that it is only likely to be successful where I have had vigorous groth and absolutely no disease problems the first time around. ....Try a small test plot on the used site. If it grows to maturity, then it is probably safe to replant the entire area.\"
Like TNhunter said. If you had enough land to leave some space for an additional planting. After you harvest your first planting you could seed the unused areas and at the same time plant a test plot in the areas you just harvested from (instead of waiting 7 years) and then after 7+ years you would know whether it is safe to replant all of those beds from the results of your test plots.
I would seeds all of your available land before replanting beds.