I just found this post and this is what i saw this week when i was topping my ginseng, last august i was having some vaneer white oaks cut on my property thru it all i was very hesitant of letting the logger near my ginseng because his skidder was kinda big. he is a long time friend so when we were marking trees we eased over near one of my ginseng boundries, i showed him where to enter and leave the woods so he would not travel over my beds, he looked at part of my crop and was astonished at the amount of ginseng growing in that area, however these are just small to average size 5 year old plants, well this year when i finally made it over to the boundry of my patch while topping it what i found was plants that had almost tripled in size that were within the radius of where the canopy of the fallen white oak trees used to be, the difference in the size of the plants was very noticeable, i had know that ginseng grows well in logged areas but i didnt think that results of opening up your canopy would be that great, now i am thinking that i should really evualate my entire ginseng growing acerage and possibly do some more select tree removal it looked like the size difference extended out about 20-30 feet past the original canopy radius. the palnts were alot heartier and had much larger stems, however some appeared to be getting too much light and were yellowing already. I now think that sunlight might perhaps be the biggest single factor in site determination and sizeable ginseng within a reasonable period of time.