i did the rake and broadcast method of about 1500 stratified wild grown seeds. If they are over crowded I plan to dig them up and move them, will it effect the shape of the root? After 10 years I expect to loose all but 10 percent as i'm not tilling or spraying, i'll probably come in and hand weed and throw some gypsum down on occasion but that's about it. We don't have a lot of deer running through the property probably because of the dogs. I'm planting 5,000 stratified seeds next week, they have been arriving humid and slightly open, i'm hoping after this year's cold season will be 2 years total on the seeds leading to some seedlings in the spring to relocate. After 3 or 4 years of planting seeds I hope to have some producing seeds for me to continue to plant across this 40 acres of maples. The PH seems reasonable for sane in this area but i'm thinking some added calcium i have left over from the farmers coop wont hurt a couple times a season broadcast around.