I don't think you are seeing 2 prongs and 3 prongs from stratified seed that was planted last fall and germinated this spring.
The norm is a 3 leafer... single stem with no forks, and 3 leaves.
I have seen several over the years that come up with 4 leaves, and even a few that had the full 5 leaf set on a first year sprout but still only one stem, no forks.
I have never seen any first year sprouts that were 2 prongs.
I suspect you may have had some wild seng growing in the area that you planted, and those 2 and 3 prongs you are seeing are some wild seng that is just coming up in your planting beds.
Of course now seng does some odd stuff at times (I had a 6 prong in my seed producing bed a couple years ago)... but I have never seen stratified seed that sprouted first year 2 and 3 prongs. Never heard of anyone that post here of having that experience either.
If you have any Pictures of them I would love to see them.
I would bet that if you mark that 3 prong and dig it up this fall and inspect it, you will find a root neck that has a few flats on it (3-5 years old). You can plant it right back after inspecting it.
Good Luck !