Those red berries sure to help with finding it...
A little later on, when the leaves turn yellow that makes it even easier to spot... and when you get both yellow leaves and red berries (oh man) it sure is pretty and stands out like a sore thumb.
PS... There are places where ginseng will grow but just not thrive. Conditions are on the edge of being good enough, but not hardly right. I used to own some land that had a hollow like that... I would check it for years and years, and only find a few small 2 prongs and some 3 leafers, but it just never got any bigger.
Then there are places where you only find a few 2 prongs and 3 leafers, because someone has dug the heck out of it, and done that for many years in a row.
I hope neither one of those applies to your place but those are a couple of possibilities you should know about as you go forward with your plantings.
A soil test might help determine if the first one is the case...
If you do happen to find some nice 3 and 4 prongs producing good wads of berries, that is the absolute best sign that you have a good chance of success with growing it there.
Good Luck !