I hate those armadillo's they dig up my yard something awful..
They say they are digging up grubs (Japanese beetle grubs, june bug grubs, etc).. and worms and such...
They will sure wreck a yard with all that digging. If one got in your ginseng patch they could make a mess there too.
I have tried live trapping them, with no luck... but I have a set of flood lights that light up my back yard and between dark and going to sleep, I constantly turn that thing on while passing by to scan for dillo's..
I have hauled off a bunch of those critters. I got 3 in one night not long ago.. On more than one occasion I have killed one, and then turned the light on later and there would be another one out there sniffing of the dead one.. I just add him to the pile too.
My old 22 mag does a dandy job of taking them out.
If it has been dry for a while and then you get a good rain.. you can bet they will be out digging in the yard that night. They know when the soil is soft after a rain that they can get those grubs out.