2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: any ideas??

any ideas?? 8 years 6 months ago #38730

Any ideas how to keep pest out of my patches? Somethings digging around the plants. Not sure what it is. It leaves holes and scratches around like crazy. Also snipped some nice plants off right at ground level. Ive tried moth balls, cut up irish spring soap, red pepper,..anybody?? thanks.:S

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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 6 months ago #38735

Hard to say what you need to do without identifying the culprit.

You might try putting a game camera out where this thing is causing you so much trouble. If you can positively id the critter that should help in how you need to deal with it.

Hopefully if you can ID the thing you might know how or could figure out how to hunt it, trap it, shoot it, poison it (any of those options)..

Good Luck !


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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 5 months ago #38990

I set a live trap (no bait) on a path near a nice patch where digging and scratching was happening. I caught a big fat
armadillo ! Maybe that'll help .. Im not really sure thats whats bit the stalks off at ground level.

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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 5 months ago #38993

I hate those armadillo's they dig up my yard something awful..

They say they are digging up grubs (Japanese beetle grubs, june bug grubs, etc).. and worms and such...

They will sure wreck a yard with all that digging. If one got in your ginseng patch they could make a mess there too.

I have tried live trapping them, with no luck... but I have a set of flood lights that light up my back yard and between dark and going to sleep, I constantly turn that thing on while passing by to scan for dillo's..

I have hauled off a bunch of those critters. I got 3 in one night not long ago.. On more than one occasion I have killed one, and then turned the light on later and there would be another one out there sniffing of the dead one.. I just add him to the pile too.

My old 22 mag does a dandy job of taking them out.

If it has been dry for a while and then you get a good rain.. you can bet they will be out digging in the yard that night. They know when the soil is soft after a rain that they can get those grubs out.


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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 5 months ago #39009

We got another good rain Saturday evening...

Saturday night around 9 pm... I turned on the flood lights to check the back yard... he was out there digging up grubs...

He has been 22 magd now... and now he is a GOOD armadillo :-)



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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 5 months ago #39010

Ugly looking critter. Saw them cook one over the fire on one of them survival shows. Guess I would try it if I was starving. Other than that good shooting TN. Will make for some good fertilizer for next years crop.

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Re:any ideas?? 8 years 5 months ago #39018

These things are absolutely worthless and destructive to everything. They weren't around till probably 10 yrs ago.
I hear they migrated from the southwest . NO way to control them right now except like TN says with a little lead and
gunpowder. I really wish i could trap or poison safely....They gotta go.

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