2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Vermont can't balance its budget.....

Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 8 months ago #38485

......so they are nailing us at every turn with higher taxes and (cough cough) fees! We always had to register for a 5 year period, no charge, but now they are hitting dealers and diggers with a $60 for 3 years. They are calling it a \" Dealer and/or Vermont Ginseng Collectors fee\".

It's not the money that ticks me off, it's just that it is clear that they need the money because our elected officials are doing a poor job at balancing the budget. It's not just this but everything is going up. My hunting/fishing license is now $40 and that does not include tags for bowhunting, muzzle loader, turkey, early bear, etc... It will cost me well over $100 for resident hunting/fishing...... SMH

Rant over!

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 8 months ago #38486

Sorry, this was meant for the General forum.

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 8 months ago #38488

man maya..that sounds just like it is here in Illinois..we been with out a budget now for almost a year and no end in sight..the dnr funding [the money taken in by the dnr] up till this state started to going to hell in a hand basket was protected ,the crooked politicans couldnt get their hands on it,,well now that this state is bankrupt the house and the senate voted to have the dnr money moved in to the states general fund..and low and behold the crooks in office can now steal it..sorry about rambling on but when stuff like this happens in your state look out something bad is happening and the crooks aint tell you whats happening...

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 8 months ago #38497

I just don't see where they all of a sudden needed needed to tax us. There was no big uproar for more policing of diggers, no extra state employees to oversee a big uptick in diggers, everything is the same. It's just clear that this is a money grab for the general fund.

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 8 months ago #38508

my state has found away to squeeze every penny they can out of the citizens that live here:angry: :angry:

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 5 months ago #39053

OK, now I'm really ticked! I sent my application w/ a check for the $60 and they sent it back to me saying it is $75 after July 1st! We have a copy of the form letter and application and nowhere does it say it has to be in by July 1st. Any other Vermont diggers getting jerked around???

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 5 months ago #39055

Great, now other states will probably start doing the same thing. In case you havnt noticed, government screws up everything they get involved with.

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 5 months ago #39057

Amen brother...SMH. I think I'll just plant berries this year.

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 5 months ago #39062

I am in Vermont and I am moving to Virginia. I am tired of the communist republic of vermont

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Re:Vermont can't balance its budget..... 8 years 4 months ago #39259

You could move a few miles east to NH, the laws are much more lax there...

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