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TOPIC: Warm Weather Days Bringing Spring Fever

Warm Weather Days Bringing Spring Fever 8 years 11 months ago #38079

Took a walk through my woods today clearing debris off of, and checking condition of, my electric fence lead wire and fenced in patches. Only a few small branches on the wire after about six weeks. The warm weather had me looking for stuff sprouting, even though that is pretty much impossible after only two nice days. I am anxious to see my planted seeds from fall of 2014 mature to the two-prong level. I guess this is the start of Spring Fever!

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Re:Warm Weather Days Bringing Spring Fever 8 years 11 months ago #38083

I heard some spring peepers this past weekend... It got close to 70 degrees here on Saturday.

That is the official winter is going to be over soon sound for me.

When I was younger and did a lot of trapping... I always hated the sound of those spring peepers because it was the end of trapping season.

Now I love to hear them because I am more into fishing and it means it is time to catch some early smallmouth bass.

If you don't know what a spring peeper is ... below is a youtube that shows em.


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Re:Warm Weather Days Bringing Spring Fever 8 years 11 months ago #38084

TNhunter wrote:

I heard some spring peepers this past weekend... It got close to 70 degrees here on Saturday.

That is the official winter is going to be over soon sound for me.

When I was younger and did a lot of trapping... I always hated the sound of those spring peepers because it was the end of trapping season.

Now I love to hear them because I am more into fishing and it means it is time to catch some early smallmouth bass.

If you don't know what a spring peeper is ... below is a youtube that shows em.


Awesome. There's a pond behind where I live and I also go by that sound of the spring chirpers (we call them around here) as the true sign Spring is here. No word here yet from them, but since you're only a few hundred miles south of here, it wont be long. Snow on the ground again, for now.

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Re:Warm Weather Days Bringing Spring Fever 8 years 11 months ago #38121

It's here! The robins, spring peepers/chirpers, green grass, and lengthened daylight. Spring has arrived. Only a few weeks til the seng sprouts. Yippee!

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