This is my second year growing seng, Last year and this year I purchased the 2 oz. Seed & 8 oz. Rootlets off of wildgrown. Surprisingly a few of the rootlets from last year produced berries which I promptly planted.
Last year I planted six different test plots by raking the leaves to one side scattering seeds/planting rootlets, then raking the litter back over. This year I took all the rootlets and made a seed bed similar to tnhunters, the seeds, my daughters and I planted in the test plots that did well from last year and around the maples in my sugar bush. I had set a handful of the seeds aside for my boss from my summer job doing forestry.
NY was the planting area.
Planted both years in late October
The success rate from last year wasn't all that great, Many of the rootlets pronged out but many of those were trampled/died/or were eaten by deer. Out of my six test plots with seed four had sprouts, three out of the five with rootlets had prongs come up. Two of my plots were under sugar maples/beech but were close enough to some old oak trees that they were tore up by bears, deer, birds, and rodents, also the beech and oak leaves were awfully thick in those areas.
Oddly the one plot that did the best was just off my goat field, literally five feet inside the treeline i had the most seed come up and all the rootlets as well, It was a product of laziness on my part
Also I've put up fencing around many of them and placed some dummy tree tubes inside in an attempt to curb curiosity.