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TOPIC: Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting?

Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35255

I have a good hillside that I want to do a large scale wild sim planting this fall. The problem is that there is a well established growth of mainly virginia creeper in that area - I'm concerned about these plants choking out alot of my seedlings next year. I don't want to till the soil or do anything too invasive to disturb the area. Anyone have any experience with Roundup for site prep?



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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35258

Glyphosate (Roundup) is a good choice. Be sure to use the concentrate and mix it a little on the strong side. There are other options out there which are also less expensive than the Roundup brand. You might also consider a home made concoction. Most of them include dish soap and vinegar, but I have not tried them.

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35259

I used Roundup when I cleared my woodlots off some years ago. If you have small seedling maples or Hickorys be aware that it will not kill them, just stunt their growth. Another thing that I will mention is that I'm pretty sure that it is carcinogenic so be very careful how you use it. Try to back into the wind when you're spraying it so that it is always going the other direction from you. Don't get any on your hands or feet and use a mask. I know they have been saying for years that it is safe, but a word to the wise is \"take no chances\".


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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35260

Boonerman, Mr. Hugh is right. Its not good to use at all. With the weed issue in central FL, I do have to say I use it. You can buy the large blue containers at large feed store, AKA Tractor Supply or Ruyal King. Its about 75 bucks and makes many gallons. Its a 24-D product. Which is what was used in Vietnam as agent orange. 1/2 24-D and the other half 2,4,5-T. Very toxic. Very effective. Use in moderation.

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35261

Hugh Hartsell wrote:

I used Roundup when I cleared my woodlots off some years ago. If you have small seedling maples or Hickorys be aware that it will not kill them, just stunt their growth. Another thing that I will mention is that I'm pretty sure that it is carcinogenic so be very careful how you use it. Try to back into the wind when you're spraying it so that it is always going the other direction from you. Don't get any on your hands or feet and use a mask. I know they have been saying for years that it is safe, but a word to the wise is \"take no chances\".


Anything grown in soil that has had Roundup applied will absorb the remaining post-breakdown chemicals, some of which are carcinogenic. I remember reading somewhere that it can take 10 years or more for those chemicals to dissipate to a safe level, depending upon the amount of rainfall and drainage. Roundup was not intended for application where consumables are grown, except for GMO consumables that were engineered to be Roundup resistant.

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35263

One of the first hillsides I planted had a serious infestation of poison ivy. I hate that stuff.

I used roundup on it... I basically sprayed it once around May, then waited about a month and sprayed again - anything that still looked like it was going to make it.

It did a good job.

I planted it in October / November and had an abundance of 3 leafers the next spring.


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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35269

Thanks for the tips guys. Lot of mixed views on Roundup it looks like. Anyone try that vinegar/dawn mix?

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35288

No Boonerman, I haven't. I think next time I need to kill vegatation, I'll give it a shot.

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 11 months ago #35290

There is no such thing as wild simulated gensing with roundup on or near it. Wild simulated is natural with no us of chemicals in any way. I have a lot of three and four prongs with virginia creeper all around it and it seems to have grown for years just fine.

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Re:Using Roundup to prep for a wild simulated planting? 9 years 10 months ago #35294

Vinegar bought at the store is watered down try to find the purest form you can yes soap acts as a sticker mix the 2 works great, also a natural weed killer is using cinnamon also adding 1 cup of table salt, or adding lemon juice with vinegar to any gallon mixture will help you may need to spray now and again in sep. to choke out the root. These mixtures work better with the more sun you have being shaded takes a bit longer

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