2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: SOLD OUT
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TOPIC: Seed Bed tops up with a few extras...

Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35071

Checked my seed producing bed this evening and found about 3/4 of them up.

Below is a 4 that is rolling out the leaves now.

I have seen a bunch of 3-4 year olds up already.



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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35072

And on those few extras...

Below shows last years stem of one in my seed bed, and a several nice little 3 leafers emerging.

No doubt I missed a few berries a couple years ago.

I guess I will let these get a couple years old and transplant them.



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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35073

Nice looking four prong and nice surprise on the three leafers.It looks like there might another one under the four prong


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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35074

Evening TN,
Nice looking 4 prong and 3 leafers as well.
I was telling Hill the other day after he showed where a seed had possibly germinated after falling off unnoticed. I had also found a couple of young 3 leafers in my patch of early ripening seng that I did not realize had fallen off. That's 3 of us now and I think it's a good sign that ginseng will do pretty good in an area where it comes up by itself from natural dropping of berries. I hope we all have good luck this year. We sure are getting enough rain to make a good crop.

I just love seeing this popping up everywhere.

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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35075

I know yall are proud to see the Seng popping back up, I sure am!

I bet those pine chips are ideal as a covering and to keep diseases down. I wished it was feasible for me to have that everywhere.
I keep bringing roots back to my native bed area and replanting their seed thereafter. Maybe one day Ill be growing all native TN seed.:)
I have a question about your kayak you bought recently.... A buddy told me the Ascends have a 10' and also a 12' for longer legged folk. Which did you buy and if its a 10\", is it roomy enough. Im no giant but Im 6'2\" and hate to end up being cramped.


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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35076


I bought the Ascend D10T --- a 10 footer.

It has the adjustable foot pegs on it and I am 5'11\" tall and I have them positioned in the middle area.

I don't think you would have any trouble because I could extend them out quite a bit from where they are now.

The 12 footers add on more total weight... and that was something I wanted to avoid, and also wanted something that I could just toss in the back of my truck easily.


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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35077


I checked out the foot peg adjustment length this evening.

On the Ascend D10T if you have them adjusted out as far as they will go.... From the seat back to the foot peg it is 45\".

I have a 32\" inseam and I have to set it close to the middle of the adjustment range to work for me.

You need to have it set so that your knees are bent a little so you can push off the peg while paddling.

Hope that helps.


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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35078

Thanks! Sounds like a 10 footer will be plenty. That's good , a 12' is about $200 more and the extra weight might be aggravating.


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Re:Seed Bed tops up with a few extras... 9 years 11 months ago #35079

Those sure are nice looking plants!

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